Chapter 45: Andy's POV

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After I've soothed Ashley, the rest of the band come and save us: talk about perfect timing!

Jake asks us what we were doing, and Ash makes up a pretty slick lie. I further it by saying, "Yeah, it was all my fault. I'm really sorry. I just needed some time away from it all, you know? And I think I've got what I need now." Followed by a discreet smile and wink for Ashley.

Jinxx suggests that we return to the bus, and let CC get sober. Oh God. He greets me and Ash as soon as we step inside.

"Diddyyou twooo disappeeear to have somm gyay sexxx with eachhhh otherr?"

"Yeah, sure, we're madly in love." I say sarcastically. "Where did you get that idea from?" I push him back onto the couch, and he complies - his bodily control is probably not at its best right now. With a drunk giggle, he continues to try and persuade me.

"But Ashhhleh loooves you, can't yooouu seey?" I'm getting quite annoyed at him by now.

"CC. You're drunk off your head. You have no idea what you're saying." I try to reason with him, eyes narrowed. "Go to bed."

"Ohhkaee." I thought I'd got through to him when he decides to be even more immature, pretending to sleep on the sofa. "Bettehr Andehhh??"

"Sure, Chris." I give up, sitting next to Ash. CC acts like a child for even longer, but eventually gives up when he falls asleep - for real, this time - on the coffee table.

Just as the bus stops, Jake manages to wake him up, and him and Jinxx support CC from either side, carrying him up to the floor where our rooms are. Good old Momma Jinxx.

I'm too tired to change out of my clothes, so I rinse any make up left off my face and wait for Ashley to do the same. The bed feels surprisingly comfy: sure, there are a couple springs sticking out, but it's safe. Plus, I'll be sharing it with Ash.

"Good thing we decided to share, huh?" He asks, just as I think that. 'Jinx' I say in my head.

"Definitely." I answer, smiling.

I feel myself drifting off to sleep soon afterwards. Ash kisses me timidly on the nose, then whispers something, seemingly to himself.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack. All mine." Is the last thing I hear before sleep takes over.

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