Chapter 24: Ashley's POV

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We decide not to let anyone else know about the incident with Andy; we wouldn't want to worry the BVB army. They made us who we are today, and if there was no band, I wouldn't have found Andy.

I feel like we understand each other, too. So I'm always appreciative of our fans, no matter who they are - our past experiences bind us together.

I glance across at Andy. He's holding an ice pack to the back of his head, in a pose that makes him look irresistible. Of course, he's always beautiful, but I just can't take my eyes off him.

Maybe that's a bad thing, as he eventually meets my gaze. His dazzling eyes captivate me, and though I know I should look away, I simply can't.

He's definitely noticed now. He frowns and tilts his head slightly, as if asking what I'm doing.

I can't pretend to have zoned out - the eye contact was way too obvious. Maybe I can just ignore him? No, that's even worse. I could actually take advantage of this situation. The

Reaching behind the rest of the guys, I carefully remove the ice pack.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, looking him in the eyes again.

"Well... On a scale of 1 to broken-three-ribs, I'd say I'm at least a 4.2"

I chuckle; he smiles at my laughter, self-consciously angling his face at the floor. This means I can check the bandage on the back of his head without too much awkwardness.

The blood is almost seeping through it.

"Um, Andy, we need to get you another band-aid, I think." I speak quietly enough so that only he can hear me. I don't want anyone else coming with us: moments alone with Andy are precious.

He follows me, swaying somewhat, into the corridor of the bus where the first aid kit is.

I open it, and find another bandage. What do I do with the old one?

Andy sorts that out for me, removing it from his head and putting it in the bin so no one can see it. Iron blood combines with latex in the air, creating that scent reminiscent of school nurses.

Taking painstaking care, I put the clean band-aid on the wound. Andy winces and hisses slightly, but he seems to deal with the pain quite well.

He thanks me, then turns so his face is almost underneath mine.

This angle would be perfect to kiss him from - one 'accidental' nudge would lead to another moment in heaven. But that's way too risky: I banish the thought from my mind.

"Hey Ash, will I be alright?" He looks up at me with his big, sky blue eyes pleading for an answer.

Here's my chance to sound intelligent, no matter how well it might go.

I place my hand on the place where his neck joins to the back of his skull. Applying gentle pressure, I ask him if it hurts.

"Not at all," he says, slightly proudly.

"Well in that case, I think you'll be good to go. Just, please don't jump into a concrete wall again!"

"I'm not promising anything," he jokes, one side of his mouth stretching into his signature smirk.

"Whatever!" I laugh. I stand back up, and meekly offer my hand to Andy for him to do the same.

To my surprise, he takes it, and for that one second, it's just like the evening a couple of nights ago - the one that changed my life.

But the moment is fleeting, gone as soon as it came. Andy heads back to the guys, swinging round the doorframe to sink onto the sofa.

I follow him soon after, sitting down next to him this time though, as my place has now been taken by Jake.

For once, my mind relaxes. I have no worries about relationships or work (which I rarely have problems with) and I'm finally not stressing out about Andy for some reason.

I just get absorbed into the cartoon, until the bus slows and stops, and we've arrived.

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