Author's Note

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Your Loving Melody has come to an end!

I still can't believe I was able to finish this story during my summer break. As a struggling student with many responsibilities on her plate, I am always grateful to have accomplished one of my goals this year: finishing at least one book.

I wrote this story because I wanted to create a character that is like me, but a stronger and braver version. A version of myself that is braver to fight for her dreams in a risky yet fun industry.

I know that this story is not my best yet and is neither at its perfect nor the best quality. But through this book, I know that I've seen my growth after two years in this field/path. Off we go to more stories in the future!

I will be releasing a series soon, hoping for your support and love!

Of course, this note will not be complete without giving thanks.

First of all, to God. I thank him for giving me the opportunity to write and express myself, for the ability he has given me, and for guiding me and giving me strength every day.

Of course, to my friends in writing world, @sheensofroses @RanellaWp @scarletberryy @orangeyrabbit and more such as:

- LGA Family
- WS Family
- Facebook mutuals/followers

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank @sheensofroses a great friend of mine, for writing the lyrics of the theme song of Your Loving Melody.

Lastly, to all the readers and supporters of Lucas and Celeste, it has been a wonderful ride with all of you! Thank you so much!!

All love, Adira.

Your Loving Melody

All Rights Reserved.

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