Chapter Four

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Plans were set in motion, plans were made to make all see, plans were her greatest things

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Plans were set in motion, plans were made to make all see, plans were her greatest things. For she was ready for this fight.  


Morgan skipped along the halls of Hogwarts, a smile on her face, she had managed to get out of Defence thanks to her papa, so she didn't go into the classroom that held the little lions, apart from Neville of course. She had managed to get him involved with the little class they had made of all the snakes; she was quite the persuasive type. Shaking her head, she had just walked into the library to see her classmates all sat around reading and studying for their defence class. They were all quiet, something that Madame Pince liked, the silence of it all. They were a respectful group of teenagers. 

Until she got involved with the pranks side of things.

Finding her friends, she smiled to the group all of them working on their theory side of things. "Morning everyone." She greeted softly, the group looked up smiling and whispering their own greetings. 

When she sat in her spot she instantly got to work, she wasn't worried about the practical side of things, because she's been taught by the best, before even coming to Hogwarts. Yes, she has her first life, but she wasn't taught well, she had never been allowed the chance to learn other spells that could have most definitely helped her in the war, but she knew the old goat wanted her to rely on Granger and Weasley. Shaking her head, she continued to work on her Transfiguration homework, and potions homework. She worked hard for a good hour until the library door was slammed open, the group looked up to see that it was professor Umbridge, glaring at their group.

They all glanced at one another, before Morgan stood up with a serene smile on her face. "Professor, how can we help you?" She asked gently.

"None of you were in class today." She said to the girl before her, Morgan tilted her head and hummed. 

"Professor, did you not read the letter you were given?" She asked, merlin this woman was ridiculous, stupid, how she got the job in the Ministry was strange to her, and the twins, which is something they were working on. "The letter telling you, well informing you that none of the Slytherins would be in your class, along with Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom." She stated with a sweet smile before continuing. "That we would be working on our own time, learning on our, training on our own. Without you."

Umbridge was glowering, she looked behind Morgan to see that the rest had vanished, left the library. Morgan watched the toad of a woman's face turn red seeing that Morgan had distracted, her sharp eyes turned back to the smiling girl. "Detention Miss Shelby." Umbridge hissed before storming out of the library.

"Hmm, didn't realise my plan was moving forward so fast." She hummed, but had anyone looked closer, they would see the sinister gleam in her eyes, yes everything was moving according to plan. Grabbing her things, she walked out of the library with purpose, she flipped her hair over her shoulder as she continued to her destination. She looked behind herself before walking into the classroom.

When she stepped inside, she came to see her friends, the devil twins, and Professor Slytherin. She raised an eyebrow at the group wondering what the group was even waiting to hear... "Oh you all want to know what happened with myself and Umbridge correct."

"Yes." They all said.

Snorting softly, Morgan walked over to her seat and sat down, crossing her ankles she smiled at the group and started talking, "she's given me detention, that's all." She said with a smile. Fred and George glanced over at one another, as devious smirks stretched across their faces a slight crazed looked appearing in their eyes, the two twins hummed.

"So, the plan is set in motion?" They questioned.

Morgan raised an eyebrow, "of course, it might be a little early, but you honestly believe I don't have a Plan 'B?' And if that fails, a Plan 'C,' then a Plan 'D,' and -- you know how the alphabet works, don't you?" She said with a delicious smile crossing her face, the twins grinned before high fiving each other, excitement in the little Shelby clan. While the others just stood confused by what was happening before them.

"You know something, don't you?" Slytherin asked the girl, while the twins explained the plan a little more in-depth for their friends.

"Of course, I've had years to plan, and being the Shelby Princess, means I have a little more sway in the world, but don't fret, things always work in the end." She stated, to her soulmate.

Slytherin took this moment while everyone was distracted to take her face in his hands, staring into her soul. "Morgan, if you are injured in anyway during this, I'll kill anybody who gets in my of protecting you, understand me." He whispered gently. But the underlying threat was all very real, he was still the Dark Lord after all, a man who enjoyed inflicting pain upon those that disobeyed, a man who was known for the deaths he had caused. 

She knew this, she accepted it.

So, she smiled, tilting her head, "I understand, and I can't promise that I won't be hurt, but her life will be nothing when I am done with her." She whispered, before stepping away from him and over to her friends, after all they still had classes, and they needed to get back to being the top students in the class. 

Tom Slytherin watched her walk away, he had to stop himself from grabbing her and taking her somewhere safe, away from Dumbledore, away from Umbridge, away from the Weasel, and that blasted muggle-born, he wanted her locked away from the world. Then again, he knew he would not be helping her in anyway, he would only be hurting her, by taking her away from the people she calls family. He would never do that to her, not again. "For everything I have done, mother magic, I know I do not deserve you forgiveness for hurting someone you gave to me, but I would fall on my knees and plea that you protect her, from everything, give her the guidance she deserves." Tom whispered as he closed his eyes, praying to mother magic.

And this time she listened. 

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