Ch 2 | Your Name

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Y/N's POV:

"Hi, thanks so much for saving me back there. I'm Kim Namjoon."

Even exhausted and sweaty, he looks like he's straight out of a magazine. He's still dressed head to toe in black sweats, but his silver-ish blonde hair is peeking through the top of his hoodie now, and that dimple smile is close to sending you into cardiac arrest.

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-

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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-

You slowly reach out to connect the handshake. "Y-you're welcome," you mumble, your eyes still wide with shock. You're simply in autopilot mode.

You used to be a huge BTS fan. Well, you're still a fan, but not as big of a fan since you moved overseas. Over the years, you've suppressed your inner Army because you didn't want to come across as an obnoxious koreaboo. You also didn't want people to think you only moved here for BTS, which unfortunately, happens more than people think.

The two of you stand there for a second and Namjoon clears his throat, snapping you back to reality.

"Oh wow, sorry," you nervously giggle, pulling your hand back. "It's just so weird seeing you with my own eyes. I mean I've been to a few concerts, but I was in the nosebleeds."

"Oh really?" Namjoon asks, lifting his eyebrows. "You're Army?"

Goddam he is beautiful. It's taking everything you have to not drool.

"Of course," you smile, pointing to your Chimmy pillow.

He turns and laughs, walking towards the yellow plushie. "Is Jimin your bias?"

"Yeah," you shrug. "Don't get me wrong, I'm OT7. But there's something about him and I can't really put my finger on it."

You know exactly what it is. It's his body rolls that make you want to yeet yourself off your eighth story balcony. But you won't be admitting that to Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon stares at you for a second and the atmosphere suddenly shifts uncomfortably. He purses his lips together before asking, "Did you know we were in the area?"

You immediately tense up and think, Oh shit. Maybe admitting I'm Army was a bad call. What if he thinks I purposely lured him in here?

Your hands quickly raise up in innocence. "N-no I swear," you stutter, taking a step back. "I didn't even know it was you being chased. I thought you were a trainee or something."

He eyes you up and down for a moment, probably wondering if he can trust you or not. You understand why he's skeptical — he has to be. God knows what he's been through with toxic fans.

"How did you even get separated?" you quickly ask, trying to change the subject. "The reason I figured it was a newbie was because all of the bigger groups are heavily guarded."

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