Ch 62 | Overstimulated

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Author's POV:

"Unit 184 you are clear to land," everyone hears through their headsets. Namjoon almost jumps out the window as the pilot lands on the large H painted onto the cement. Jin grips his jacket and shakes his head, telling him not to move until the pilot opens the door.

It feels like forever before the man runs to the other side, sliding open the door for Namjoon to stumble out of it, immediately sprinting for the doors. The security guards let him through, Nanami and the others running closely behind him. Namjoon finds the nearest nurses station and slams his hands on the counter.

"Patient [Y/N]," he pants. "What room is she in?"

The nurse's jaw almost comes unhinged when she realizes who's huffing and puffing two feet in front of her. She's a young nurse, can't be more than 22 years old and has a bright pink bow holding up her ponytail. Her eyes look a little puffy but Namjoon's a bit too preoccupied to worry about that right now.

"Hey," Jin knocks on the counter, snapping her from her trance. "Patient [Y/N]. This is the west wing right?"

"Y-yeah," she stutters, nervously flipping through her patient chart. "Uh, [Y/N], she's in room 1734."

"I'll handle things here," Jin nods to Namjoon. "Go to her."

He and Nanami sprint down the hall, ignoring all the stares they're getting. They turn the corner and almost trip over themselves when they see your door at the end. Nanami's fast but Namjoon's long legs give him the advantage, beating her to the wooden door and slamming it open.

His heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest when he finds you there, standing by the window in a hospital gown with your eyes wide open.

"What the fuck?" you breathe out with your hand over your chest, clearly having the life scared out of you just now. Nanami's head pops out from under Namjoon's arm, the both of them gasping for air. You visibly start to panic as tears pour down Namjoon's face, running over to wrap you in his arms and hug you tight.

"Oof," you grunt. Nanami's tiny but strong body joins the hug on your other side.

Namjoon feels you melt into them silently as they sob onto your body. Tae and Jimin enter through the door next, relief flooding over their faces when they see you standing up, being squished by the other two.

Jimin pries Nanami off of you after a few minutes, allowing you to wrap your arms around Namjoon's shoulders, gently stroking the back of his head as he continues to sob into the crook of your neck. He holds you for a few more minutes until he finally begins to calm down, and then Seokjin walks through the door.

"Oh thank god," he exhales, putting his hands on his hips as he throws his head back. "Thank god you're okay."

Your right shoulder is soaked by the time Namjoon releases you, but he doesn't let go by much. He stands to the side of you, gripping your hand as tightly as he can without hurting you.

"What is going on?" you ask. "Didn't the nurse call you?"

"She did," Jin sighs, gripping the back of his neck. "But the call cut off at a bad time. We thought you were the patient that coded."

"Ah," you nod, starting to put the pieces together. "That was the patient next to me."

"I'm going to get that nurse fired," Taehyung seethes, moving towards the door. "She should've called us back."

"No, Tae, please," you plead, making him pause to look back at you. "They lost the patient." Your eyes meet the floor to stare at your hospital socks. "He died ten minutes ago and she's been in the bathroom crying almost the entire time. He was around her age."

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