Ch 43 | Overdramatic

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Y/N's POV:

The next few hours pass without any more drama, the whole group getting absolutely hammered — except for you and Jin. Namjoon asked (more like whined like a child) for you to go make another drink for him and you obliged. It's rare for him to want you to dote on him so you're happy to do it. Now you're in the middle of putting more ice in his cup when Nari walks through the kitchen entrance.

"Oh, hey," she smiles. She's not quite as drunk as the boys but she seems pretty tipsy.

"Hey," you smile tightly, moving to Yoongi's liquor cabinet. You're still not entirely sure if you're overthinking things or if she really has a problem with you.

"You seem uncomfortable, are you okay?" she asks, moving closer to you. You glance up from the vodka you're pouring to see her leaning against the counter, arms crossed with an unreadable expression. She doesn't seem angry but she doesn't seem quite friendly either.

"No I'm okay," you smile, a little more softly this time. "We'll make sure to take a driver next time so I can drink with you guys."

"Yeah it's kind of lame you aren't drinking much," she pouts. "Everyone came here to have fun."

Again, you can't quite tell if she's trying to be rude or not.

"Yeah," you shrug sarcastically. "Fuck me for making sure me and my boyfriend make it home safely right?" Your tone comes off more aggressively than you meant for it to but you don't back down.

"That's not what I'm saying," she frowns, standing up straight. "I just mean it would be fun to drink with you [Y/N]."

"Like I said," your smile tight again as you finish making Namjoon's drink, "We'll prepare better next time. We didn't know it would be this kind of gathering."

"At least Joon is having a good time," she grins. Your blood is boiling now as your jaw clenches, and she notices. "Ah, I hope it's okay I call him that. I heard you say it the other day and I thought it was so cute."

Your brows are furrowed and the smile is now gone from your face. "Actually, I'd rather you didn't," you say sternly.

Her jaw slacks at your straightforwardness. "O-oh," she laughs nervously, awkwardly grabbing her neck. "Okay."

You brush past her and return to Namjoon who's got his elbows on the table, his arms holding his head up, looking at you with the biggest grin on his face. "I missed you baby," he says warmly, making you forget about Nari as your heart does backflips at how cute he is. He grabs your hand to seat you next to him — or so you thought.

He swiftly takes the cup from your hand and pulls you towards him, making you yelp as you land on the pillow between his legs. He wraps his strong arms around your waist from behind, humming happily as he rests his chin on your right shoulder. 

The rest of the crowd is now too drunk to care while your heart rate spikes, but you're loving the sensation of Namjoon's muscular body against yours. The only one who seems to notice is Seokjin, and he's just smiling fondly at the two of you from his chair. You see Nari come back from the kitchen and you nestle yourself more into Namjoon's chest, leaning against him as you rest your arms over his, ignoring her stare.

"I want to go home," Namjoon says softly into your ear, making your body tingle at his voice.

"Why?" you ask quietly. "Aren't you having fun?"

"I'm having fun," he says with a smile on his lips. "But I feel like we could be having more fun." Your breath hitches as he begins to place slow kisses against your neck, making you shiver.

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