Ch 14 | Party

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Y/N's POV:

The smell of galbi and rice fills the apartment and wakes up your stomach, pulling you out of your sleep. You slowly push yourself up off the bed, your head pounding so hard it's in your ears. For the first time since meeting Namjoon, you look over to find his side of the bed empty — you slept longer than he did.

Groggily you drag yourself out of the bed and into the bathroom to freshen up and brush your teeth. After throwing on one of Namjoon's hoodies, keeping the same pajama bottoms on, you slowly make your way to the door, hearing voices the closer you get.

Upon opening Namjoon's bedroom door, you're met with 3 pairs of eyes, all of them happy to see you're alive.

"Good morning sunshine!" Taehyung shouts, causing your face to grimace at how loud he is.

"Yah, don't yell at our hungover patient like that," Jin scolds him as he flips an egg over on the stovetop, turning towards you. "[Y/N] are you feeling up to some bibimbap?"

You slowly move into the kitchen, nodding your head as you rub your eyes, eventually plopping yourself onto the barstool between Namjoon and Taehyung.

From your left, Namjoon slides over a glass of water and two pain pills. "Here," he smiles. "How're you feeling?"

"Honestly," you say before swallowing down the pills with your water. "My head hurts but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I'm mostly just sleepy."

Namjoon places his hand on your thigh and gently smooths his thumb over your skin. You look down at his hand for a minute, then glance up to meet his eyes.

That was a mistake.

As soon as you make eye contact, every memory from last night comes flooding back. From Chul almost assaulting you, to Jimin and Namjoon coming to your rescue, to you pressing your tits onto Namjoon's arm, to him pulling you into his lap, and finally how you straddled him and moaned into his ear.

You can feel your face immediately catch on fire from embarrassment. You lean forward onto the island and place your elbows atop the marble, allowing your head to fall into your hands.

"Oh, fuck me," you groan, pressing your hands against your temples.

"What?" Taehyung smirks. "Do you remember telling Jimin he looks like he fucks well?"

Your head pops up to look at him in shock. "Oh fuck... I did that too."

"Too?!" Taehyung exclaims, slapping down on the counter in amusement. "What else did you do?"

"Ugh whatever, I don't have time to think about this," you sigh. "I need to call Nanami."

Like the devil herself had heard her name, your phone lights up.

Call from: Nans 💕

You breathe a heavy sigh as you step away from the island and back into the living room. Namjoon follows you in to make sure you're okay. He rubs your back for a moment and gives you a reassuring smile. After a few shaky breaths, you slide the bar over to answer her call.


"Hey bitch! I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye last night, I was super drunk," Nanami chuckles, but it seems a bit forced. "Did you make it home okay?"

"I did, Namjoon came and got me," you answer calmly.

"Ah okay," she says, and you hear a slight awkwardness in her voice.

"Nans," you mumble, "I need to talk to you."

You only call her Nans when it's something serious. She pauses before answering.

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