Ch 45 | Tattoos

686 70 17

Y/N's POV:

"That was so fucking cool," Jeffrey exhales, slumping back into his chair. "But my god, my brain is fried. Having to translate in real time like that is so exhausting."

"Yeah," you giggle, sliding him an iced coffee. "We've been translating paper documents for the last month. It's been a while since we had to translate for that many hours straight."

"I kind of missed it. I mean it's tiring but getting to speak to people and watch it in front of your eyes is my favorite part," he grins, taking a sip from his cup.

"That's because you're an extrovert," you laugh. "You thrive off of social interaction."

Mr. Kang drove the two of you back to the office; you and Jeffrey are about to make your log sheet of the day. HYBE doesn't pay based on hours, they pay based on the type of work done and who it's done for. As you can imagine, real time translations for their two largest groups pay really well.

"True," he shrugs, typing into his laptop. "How was meeting Seventeen?"

"It was just the three leaders but they were so sweet. Maybe they were just being polite but it was nice to hear that they want to work with me again." You remember that half the time they were roasting each other as well. "You can tell they genuinely get along. How was BTS?"

"It was good!" The grin spread across his face proves he really did enjoy himself, even with how exhausted he is. "Your man was glaring at me for a while but we somehow ended up chatting about European artwork and he actually smiled at me. It was like I won the lottery. And also, Jungkook is so damn fine I almost started questioning my sexuality."

That's something that normally would've made you snort but Jeffrey notices your awkward silence. "You did his interview, right?" he asks, turning towards you as you stare into your screen.

"I did," you nod, pursing your lips together.

"Do you not like him? Was he rude?"

You glance at Jeffrey and his beautiful blue eyes are piercing into yours, looking genuinely worried. "Can you keep this between us?" you ask. "I don't want anyone to hear this. Not even Nanami."

"You have my word," he nods.

"He wasn't rude. It's the opposite actually," you sigh, looking down at your lap. "I may just be overthinking it but it felt like he was... flirting with me?"

"Jungkook had stars in his eyes when he looked at RM," Jeffrey says, his brows furrowed in confusion. "He doesn't seem the type to disrespect him like that."

"That's exactly what I was thinking," you groan, gripping the back of your neck. "I'm probably overthinking it. He was touchy and got all close to whisper in my ear, calling me Noona, but maybe he's like that with everyone. I also thought at one point he was licking his lips at me but it seemed like it was maybe aimed at the girl behind me."

"I didn't particularly notice him being touchy with any of the other female staff." Jeffrey nibbles his bottom lip, trying to think back on the day. "But maybe he's just touchy with people he knows. Maybe he just felt comfortable around you since you're dating his leader. Or maybe he's like Taehyung? He flirts just to get on RM's nerves."

"I'm going to choose to believe I'm overthinking things," you frown, moving your gaze back to your laptop. "I really don't think he's the type to flirt with his friend's girlfriend. I mean, I don't know him myself, but Namjoon seems to trust him with his life."

"I agree with you," he smiles, beginning to type into his keyboard again. "Maybe just see how the next interaction goes and pay close attention. Are you going to tell Namjoon?"

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