Ch 52 | Expectations

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Y/N's POV:

"Bitch!" Nanami exclaims, knocking the wind out of you as she wraps you into a hug. "I'm so glad you're coming. Jeffrey is insufferable to travel with."

"Are you trying to get your ass whooped?" Jeffrey scoffs, putting her suitcase in the back of his car.

Nanami pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "Jimin, beat him up for me."

"Babe, I'm pretty sure you can hit him harder than I can," he laughs, pulling her into a hug. "Now say goodbye to me."

You and Jeffrey grimace at the adorable couple kissing each other goodbye.

Nanami, Boram, and Jeffrey were assigned a weekend project in Ilsan and you're just tagging along for the ride. You haven't been on a weekend getaway in a while so when Nanami suggested you join, you were quick to say yes. It's been almost a week since Namjoon's birthday and you're tired of being depressed on your couch.

"Come on," Boram yells from the passenger seat. "We're going to miss our train." The four of you pile into Jeffrey's car, Nanami waving out the window until Jimin's out of sight.

You've seen Jimin three times now since everything went down and seeing him has gotten a little easier each time. Nanami told you how Jimin stood up for you to Namjoon, and you cried as he hugged you, letting you know everything would be okay. He and Jeffrey also seem to get along well enough to where nothing feels too awkward, although Jimin still accidentally refers to him as "the English bastard" every once in a while.

After a thirty minute road trip, you're all seated on the train, yours and Jeffrey's seats facing Nanami and Boram's.

"I still can't believe all this happened over my badge," Boram groans. "I wasn't involved and I still feel terrible."

"If you're at fault then so am I," Jeffrey chuckles, handing you a chip from his bag as he sees you staring at it. "I'm the one who gave her the badge. I also convinced her to go talk to Jungkook about everything and that totally backfired."

"Was this all some sort of ploy to get into [Y/N]'s bed?" Nanami snickers, eyeing Jeffrey.

He throws his head back in a laugh. "You caught me," he says playfully.

"Give me another one," you say to him as he hands you his chip bag. He smiles down at you, watching you swallow the rest of his chips like a whale.

"The situation really is unfortunate though," Nanami sighs, leaning back in her seat. "It was just one big misunderstanding. Excluding Namjoon's Hag-Ran comment, no one's really at fault here."

"Except for that snake, Nari," Jeffrey rolls his eyes.

"True," Nanami says. "[Y/N], how do you feel about Nari?"

"She's a fucking cunt," you say flatly, earning a snort from Jeffrey and Boram. "But I do feel a little bad for her. I heard that she and Hae-Ran were friends. I can see why she was skeptical of me."

"I understand being skeptical but she moved way past that," Boram says angrily. "She didn't care if her actions hurt Namjoon as long as it got rid of you."

"Yeah," you nod, looking down at your lap.

"Anyways, no more talking about that," Nanami claps her hands together. "[Y/N], what're you going to do tomorrow while we're working?"

"I think I'll just sightsee around the city," you shrug. "No plans specifically. You guys will be working late, right?"

"Probably," Boram groans. "I'm tired just thinking about it."

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