Ch 47 | Nightmare

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Y/N's POV:

"[Y/N] breathe," Jeffrey says frantically, gripping your shoulders. "Look at me. I need you to breathe. I need you to tell me what happened."

After Namjoon left, you tried calling Jeffrey to explain what happened. He picked up the phone but you couldn't speak through your sobs. Jeffrey called Nanami and they rushed over to find you hyperventilating on Namjoon's kitchen floor.

Nanami is on the verge of calling an ambulance. She's never seen you have a panic attack like this before.

"[Y/N]," Jeffrey pleads, now cupping your face for you to look at him. Nanami's sitting behind you, tears flowing down her face as she rubs your back. Your eyes finally look into Jeffrey's and he begins taking long, deep breaths while you attempt to mimic him. 

After a minute or two your throat begins to relax, allowing air to pass through. The burning in your chest slowly begins to ease up but you're instantly met with heavy sobs trying to escape your throat.

"It's okay," Jeffrey says softly, wrapping you into a hug. "It's going to be okay." Nanami's eyes bore into Jeffrey's; he looks worried but not that surprised.

"He broke up with me," you finally croak out. "He told me he never wants to see me again and left." Both of their eyes widen as Jeffrey pulls back to look at you.

"He what?!" they both exclaim. "Why the fuck would he say that?!"

"He thinks," you pause to quickly inhale a few times, "he thinks I ch-cheated on him with J-Jungkook."

"What the hell?" Jeffrey asks angrily. "How could he even come to that conclusion? Neither of you would ever do anything like that."

"It's my fault," you sob, burying your face in your hands. "It's all my fault."

Jeffrey gets off the ground to grab you some water while Nanami helps you off the floor, ushering you onto the couch. She wraps her arms around you as you continue to sob, your hands grasping at your chest, somehow hoping to relieve the ache inside. "Cry it out," she says softly, running her fingers through your hair. "Let it all out and then we'll talk."

You cry into her arms for what seems like forever before you finally begin to calm down. She's still stroking your hair as Jeffrey caresses your back, both of them offering words of comfort here and there. Jeffrey stays right where he is as you have one of his sleeves gripped as tightly as you can in one hand.

"Drink some of this, it'll help," he says softly, handing you the bottled water. You nod and take a few sips, but your stomach won't allow any more than that. You stare down blankly into your lap, eyes glazed over from exhaustion.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Nanami asks, squeezing your hand. "Why do you say it's your fault?"

Flashback: earlier this morning

"You should just be blunt and ask him," Jeffrey said over the phone. "You've never been one to be timid like this, [Y/N]."

"I know," you groaned. "I think it's because he's Jungkook. He's in Namjoon's circle. If it were anyone else I'd tell them to fuck off but I can't with him."

"Just ask. The worst that could happen is an awkward conversation," he chuckled.

Boy was he wrong.

"You're right, I just need to address it," you sighed, staring down at Jungkook's phone number written on a sticky note. Jimin gave it to you earlier that morning but you'd been too scared to reach out. "I'm going to call him."

"Should you try calling Namjoon again first?" Jeffrey asked.

You shook your head and took a deep breath. "No, I'll just talk to him when he gets home. I'd like to resolve things with JK first so that Namjoon doesn't have anything to worry about."

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