Ch 8 | Confidence

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Y/N's POV:

You're still confused as to how you ended up in Kim Namjoon's apartment. You're slowly walking around the gorgeous three bedroom, two bath high rise looking over Seoul while the beautiful beefcake takes a shower.

His place has an open concept like yours, but the layout is completely different and much, much larger. The front door opens up to a small entryway just before the spacious living room. A large tan sofa sectional faces the windows that stretch all the way up to the ceiling and the floor is made of marble, except for the charcoal and pink rug in the middle. Curtains are attached to the ceiling that only move by flipping a switch, and there's a large TV on the wall adjacent to the windows with impressive surround sound.

 Curtains are attached to the ceiling that only move by flipping a switch, and there's a large TV on the wall adjacent to the windows with impressive surround sound

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To the right of the living area are two spare bedrooms with a Jack and Jill bathroom. To the left, beyond the kitchen, is Namjoon's master bedroom. You haven't been in there yet.

You slowly make your way back to the living room after exploring all the rooms. Namjoon had given you permission to take a look around while he showered.

You suddenly hear the door swing open and you turn to find a similar sight to what you witnessed just last week. Namjoon comes out of his room in gray sweatpants and a navy blue shirt, this one fitting him better than your brother's had. But he has the towel in his same right hand, drying his now dirty blonde hair. It was more silver the last time you saw him.

Your heart is doing backflips but your stomach is in knots.

Why the hell did I sign up for this again? 

Flashback   :   8 hours ago

"Please sleep with me," Namjoon pleaded, not letting you break eye contact.

You were frozen solid for a good 10 seconds before you finally remembered how to use your words.

"T-t-the fuck did you just say to me?" you stuttered.

I mean I'm down but what the-

"Namjoon," Seokjin snapped. "Don't fucking phrase it like that." That's when you noticed the other boys walking towards you two.

Namjoon's eyes opened wide and he quickly released you and stepped back before turning a light shade of pink. "I-I'm sorry."

"[Y/N]!" Taehyung cheered, throwing his arms around your neck. "It's so nice to meet you in person." All of them were dressed in black suits, looking just as dazzling in person as they do on a TV screen.

"Okay first Namjoon was hugging me and now Taehyung is hugging me? Is this a fever dream?" you whispered. Taehyung erupted in laughter, still crushing you with his hug.

He was then suddenly yanked back by his collar, causing him to gasp. "Don't touch her," Namjoon glared.

"Okay now I see what Jimin was talking about," Taehyung smirked. "You're screwed."

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