Ch 4 | Insomnia

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Y/N's POV:

Somehow, you were actually able to lift Namjoon's head off of you long enough for you to slip out and replace your thighs with a throw pillow. Then you ran to the bathroom and came back to check on him.

Yep, that log is still fast asleep.

It's about 8pm so you decide to go ahead and shower, do your nightly skincare routine, brush your teeth, and put your jammies on. You throw on a loose yellow crop top and some booty shorts, glancing over yourself in the mirror.

I'm definitely not going to act like a schoolgirl maiden. If the leader of BTS ever wants to gawk at a female I'm gonna make sure he has the opportunity.

You look over at him, still snoring on your couch with one leg beneath the blanket and one leg over. At this rate he won't ever wake up to see you anyways.

After staring at him for a few seconds like a weirdo, you turn the living room light out but keep the lamp on, and then leave a note on the coffee table for him in case he wakes up.

It reads:

You passed out on the couch so I went to sleep in my room. If you wake up before me, feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge. Jin called and asked for you to call him back once you wake up. My phone's password is XXXX.

You leave your phone, fully charged, next to the note as well. You had texted Jin before heading to bed, letting him know Namjoon was still sleeping. He sent back a finger heart selfie as a thank you, almost ending your life with his cuteness.

Damn, I'm such a good fan. I just pray he doesn't go through my phone and find all the photos I've saved of him and his band mates.

It's about 9pm before you're safely tucked into bed. You like to sleep on the left side of the bed, furthest from the door, closest to the window. If there was ever a fire or a burglar, there's a pipe alongside your building right outside your window. You could shimmy down the pipe if an emergency ever happens. You can never be too careful as a single female in a foreign country.

You rest your head on your pillow and finally take a second to think through everything that has happened today. Your adrenaline starts pumping through your veins and you wonder if you'll even be able to sleep tonight. Hell, you have BTS' leader passed out on the other side of the wall right now. You got to video chat with Jin and V. No one would be able to sleep.

Unable to contain your giddiness, you smile to yourself, still wondering how you got so lucky. You know tomorrow will come and they will probably forget your existence. But this will be a memory you'll cherish forever.

You're about to turn your lamp off when you hear a groan and some shuffling in your living room, making your heart drop. Namjoon waking up means this dream has to come to an end. You move to take the sheets off when his big frame enters through your door, startling you.

"Oh hey. Good morning sunshine," you chuckle nervously. "Feeling better?"

He just stands there facing you, eyes half open and glazed over.

"Hello? You good?" You wave your hand in front of him, thinking maybe he's still half asleep. The two of you simmer there in silence for a few seconds before Namjoon takes a couple steps towards you and flops his body onto your bed, face down, almost causing you to fly off of the mattress.

"What the hell?" you shout, eyes bulging out of your head as now Kim Namjoon is no longer sleeping on your couch, he's sleeping in your bed.

You sit there, paralyzed, like an immobile gazelle. Time stands still until you hear the faint sounds of him snoring again.

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