Ch 23 | Ex-Girlfriend

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Y/N's POV:

You walk for what feels like hours before you're finally able to catch a cab. The driver looks at you with concern as he sees your tear stained face, but you're not crying anymore. You're just blankly staring out the window, completely numb.

Glancing down at your phone, you see 17 missed calls from Namjoon, 10 missed calls from Nanami, and 4 missed calls from Taehyung and Jimin. You haven't even attempted to open up the hundreds of texts, and you even turned your location off knowing Nanami can track you.

You set your phone back down and look up at the sky, your mind too overstimulated to think much. It's almost peaceful, just looking up at the moon with nothing on your mind.

It's around 10pm when the driver drops you off at the address listed on your app, and you head up the unfamiliar staircase to knock on the door.

Boram gasps as she sees your state, immediately wrapping you into a hug. "It's okay honey, let's get you inside," she says softly. You'd texted her asking if you could come over and to please keep it a secret from anyone who asks. She let you know Jeffrey was over, but you don't have the energy to care. As long as you're not anywhere around Namjoon.

You pass the door's threshold and find Jeffrey sitting on the couch, just as stunned as Boram to see your face. He grabs the blanket on the couch and wraps you up, sitting you down while Boram grabs you a water.

"[Y/N]," he says with a shaky voice, running his hand through your hair. He and Boram have never seen you like this. You're always the strong, confident, funny woman at work. You've always been the voice of reason who had their shit together.

But not tonight. Tonight they are going to see the worst parts of you.

"Does this have anything to do with the man you were on the phone with at happy hour?" Jeffrey asks.

Your eyes finally meet his. "You remember?" you whisper.

He nods as Boram returns with bottled water. "Jeff told me about it," she says. "We've been worried about you but didn't want to pry into your business."

Tears threaten to fall from your eyes as your mind is finally forced to remember what happened.

"He never liked me," your voice cracks, allowing the tears to start flowing down again.

Jeffrey swallows you into a hug as Boram gently rubs your back, starting to cry with you. You cry your heart out into Jeffrey's shoulder for about an hour before passing out into the peaceful darkness.


Your eyes slowly start to flutter open, your lids feeling heavier than they've ever felt. A dull pain comes creeping up your neck, splitting into your head. You groan as you push yourself up off the couch.

"You're awake," a voice echoes from the kitchen, speaking in English. Jeffrey makes his way from behind the counter and sits next to you on the couch, tucking your hair behind your ear.

You look around the unfamiliar room, trying to get your bearings. Your body remembers before your mind does and you start to hyperventilate. You grab at your chest, trying to ease the pressure as the memories come flooding back.

"It's okay," Jeffrey whispers, wrapping his strong arms around you. You don't know Jeffrey very well but being held tightly against his chest does ease the anxiety attack you're having. His calm English accent is immensely comforting to you as well, helping to relieve the pain ever so slightly.

Your breathing finally slows down so he releases you, but tears stream down your face as you silently look at the couch you're sitting on. He cups your face and brushes your tears back with his thumb.

Sleep With Me | KNJ x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz