Ch 18 | Empty Bed

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Y/N's POV:

Unfortunately for you, Namjoon had no plans of continuing where he'd left off once you came out of the bathroom. He was sitting in his usual position, reading a book while waiting for you to get in bed.

As soon as you made it to your spot, he switched the light off and bear hugged you to sleep, completely unaware of your mental and physical state. It took a while, but you eventually fell asleep too.

Fast forward 4 days and it's now Friday already; you haven't seen Namjoon all week. He had to cancel his sugar daddy rendezvous for both the nights you'd planned on staying over because of work.

His schedule is jam packed recently due to Yoongi and Jungkook's collaboration release. As the leader, he has to be there for most of the promotional events, which includes overnight trips all over the country.

You're currently stuck at a happy hour on a Friday night with your coworkers, and to make it even worse, Nanami couldn't make it. Mr. Min wanted to throw a welcoming party for the new translator that just joined the team.

You like your other coworkers; you get along especially well with Jeffrey and Boram since they're similar in age. But you just want to be sulking in bed eating a tub of ice cream due to a lack of vitamin-namtiddy.

Namjoon has texted a few times, just asking how you're doing or what you've been up to. The two of you would text back and forth for a few minutes but at some point Namjoon would randomly stop responding.

You aren't mad at him, you knew it would have to be like this on some days, maybe even weeks at a time. But you do miss him more than you thought you would.

"Here, take this," Boram says, sliding a shot of soju your way. "You look like you need it."

You glance at her and give her a shy smile because you know you're acting like a bit of a buzzkill at this dinner. "Sorry," you mumble before downing the shot. "I've just got a lot on my plate right now."

"Trust me, I get it," she giggles, filling your glass back up. "Is your apartment still not done yet?"

"I talked to my building manager a few days ago and he said they're actually ahead of schedule; it shouldn't take too much longer for the repairs to be completed." This time you clink glasses with Boram as she takes a shot with you.

Boram is absolutely adorable. She's a little on the heavier side, which makes her very insecure due to Korea's ridiculous beauty standards, but to you she's one of the prettiest girls in sight.

She has a short bob cut that perfectly frames her round cheeks, and in the two years you've known her you've never seen a single blemish on her face. She's around your age, average height — maybe 5'4"-5'5" — but she always has the most stylish outfits on. Today she's rocking a burgundy pantsuit with a white v-neck underneath.

"I'm just ready to be back in my own place," you sigh. "I absolutely adore my friend and her parents but sometimes I just want to walk around the house without pants on, y'know?"

"Cheers to that," Boram laughs, clinking your cups together before downing another shot.


About an hour passes and Mr. Min is incredibly drunk, buying the entire team shot after shot since moving to the karaoke bar. You'd been trying to pace yourself but Boram and Jeffrey are having none of that.

You're really feeling the alcohol kick in as Jeffrey drags you up to the stage to sing a duet with him. You're not quite drunk but you're on your way there.

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