Ch 58 | Unmatched

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Y/N's POV:

"Care to explain?" Namjoon asks, his furious eyes flickering from the hickey back up to stare at you.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Okay," you say nervously, one hand still pressed to the hickey while the other moves in front of you, trying to calm Namjoon down. "I know this looks bad."

He sets his glass down on the office table next to him and crosses his arms over his chest, making him look even more beefy and intimidating. "I'm waiting."

"We didn't have sex," you blurt out.

"Yeah, you said that," Namjoon glares. "So explain the hickey then."

Dammit. He looks so fucking good right now. You should probably be scared, which you are, but you're also becoming more turned on by the second.

Your eyes search his as your brain scrambles for the right words. "He saw the hickey you gave me," you pause, trying not to let your voice break, "and accused me of sleeping with someone behind his back."

You don't even have to say his name, Namjoon knows who you're talking about. He tongues his cheek as his jaw clenches, almost making your knees buckle. "Go on."

"So... I told him what happened between us," you answer, eyes still wide. "And he got mad that I hid it from him. So he gave me one too."

Namjoon steps closer to you, gripping your wrist to pull your hand off your body, exposing Jeffrey's hickey. He glares down at the mark on your skin before meeting your eyes again.

"Did he kiss you?"

Your whole body tenses, anxiety coursing through your chest, giving Namjoon the answer but he wants to hear you say it. You want to look away but you can't.

"I asked you a question," he scowls.

Your eyes get lost in his as your hands start to tremble. "Yes," you say shakily. His grip around your wrist tightens, making you flinch but it doesn't really hurt.

"And did you kiss him back?"

You bite into your lip, your eyes pleading with him to not make you answer that, but he's not going to let you off that easily. He holds your gaze, his intimidating aura giving you a rush of both anxiety and excitement.

I really hope I'm not about to ruin this.

"Yes," you whisper, your voice barely audible.

There's a flash of hurt in his eyes but they never leave yours. Your throat starts to tighten until you see something shift in his eyes. There's anger there, but there's still an intense desire behind them. He pulls your arm up and over his shoulders, your other hand following suit.

"Up," he commands, tapping the small of your back. Relief floods over you as you jump into his arms, attaching yourself to him like a koala bear, squeezing as tightly as you can.

Your fingers dig into his shoulders as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. His strong arms are wrapped around you tightly as he walks you over to the bed, stopping at the end for you to let go, but you don't.

"[Y/N], let go," he says, but you shake your head, clutching onto him like your life depends on it. Your heart is in your throat as you keep your face buried in his neck, your hands trembling again.

You feel him relax slightly before gently stroking your hair, giving you time to calm down. He holds you for a minute or two as you fight back your tears.

"I'm sorry," you finally squeak out. You didn't realize you'd feel this guilty for kissing Jeffrey, and you silently thank god that you didn't actually sleep with him.

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