Ch 51 | Sincerity

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you okay?" Jeffrey asks softly, taking your hand in his.

"I don't know," you shakily exhale, staring at the floorboard of his car. "That was so sudden."

After your encounter with Namjoon in the elevator, you didn't have much time to think about things. Mr. Kang immediately threw you into a contract negotiation that lasted four hours. You and Jeffrey are finally on your way back home.

"You did great," he smiles, smoothing his thumb over your knuckles. "I'm fucking terrified of Seokjin though. I almost got on my knees and called him daddy."

You choke on the water going down your throat before laughing out loud. "That sounds about right. He's usually relaxed but it can be pretty scary when he's pissed."

Jeffrey pulls into your parking garage, putting the car in park before looking over at you with a serious look on his face.

"I need to tell you something."

You gulp and shift in your seat. Serious Jeffrey usually isn't a good sign. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair before making eye contact again. "The other day, Namjoon came to see you and I made him leave."

Your shoulders tense and your eyes widen as you stare at Jeffrey. "What? When?"

"The morning of his 'I love you' text."

You hold his gaze as you process his words. He remains silent as he patiently waits for your reaction. You swallow the lump in your throat and shift your eyes to your lap.

"I'm sorry," Jeffrey says. "I was really worried about you mentally. You had to go to work in two hours and I had a feeling the conversation wouldn't go the way he planned."

You're overcome with a mixture of relief, sadness, and irritation, the intense emotions flooding through your chest, making it a little hard to breathe. "And he just left?"

"Of course not," Jeffrey snorts. "I had to threaten the moron. I told him I'd cause a scene and make the neighbors notice him. Then I made him come with me to the cafe and chat."

Your brows raise as you meet his eyes again. The blue ocean in his eyes are filled with nothing but genuine concern and affection. "What did you guys talk about?"

"He was really nervous about us," Jeffrey sighs, leaning his head back against his leather seat. "I knew he fucking hated me so I teased him a little." Your brows furrow as he glances back over at you. "Don't be too mad at me. You have no idea the state you were in when I found you on the floor. I think I deserved at least that much."

Your lips curve into a small smile, imagining the annoyingly arrogant Jeffrey going head to head with an angry Namjoon.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he says, turning back to you. "I told him I wouldn't interfere again. I really was worried about you, but I know you're a grown woman who can make her own decisions."

You don't like it when people pity you. It's something you've always struggled with, regardless if the person means well or not. You hate feeling weak and powerless, and you hate it even more when others know you're weak and powerless. But you can't get mad at Jeffrey right now. He and Nanami have been your rock through this and you know they have only the best intentions for you.

"It's okay," you exhale slowly, your tight grip on the hem of your lilac sweater starting to relax. "You're right, it probably would've gone poorly if I'd seen him. Just let me know next time, okay? I'm doing better now."

"I promise," Jeffrey smiles. "Will you be okay on your own until dinner time?"

"I will," you nod. Jeffrey has to go home to handle a maintenance inspection at his place. It'll probably go by quickly since he has hardly used his place in a week. "Thanks for taking me home."

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