Ch 25 | Professional

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Y/N's POV:

2 Days Earlier:

It's the evening after you overheard Namjoon talking to his ex. You're still at Boram's with Jeffrey, the three of you laughing at a reality tv show while eating pizza.

Jeffrey has done an incredible job of distracting you, being the exact friend you'd needed. He filled your ears with praise and affirmations all day, and was quick to rub your back or swallow you into a hug when your tears started up again. You feel guilty for only thinking of him as an arrogant playboy all this time. He kept you distracted and comforted you at every moment, yet still remained respectful of you as a woman. You have a completely new appreciation for him as a person, man, and friend.

Nanami is on her way; you'd called her to let her know you wanted to leave Boram's once she got off work. It only takes about 15 minutes for her to burst through the door, frantically searching for you with her eyes.

As soon as she spots you, she sprints over to you on the couch and wraps her arms around your waist in a tight hug, sobbing hysterically. You sit on the couch as her head hangs in your lap, her seat on the ground. As she cries like a kid, you slowly stroke her hair, wondering how you ended up being the one consoling her in this situation.

"Thank you for letting me come over," she sobs into your thighs. "I missed you so much."

You look down at the top of her head and smile weakly. "Thank you for being patient with me," you mumble. "I'm sorry for disappearing."

She shakes her head and sits up, wiping away her tears. "I heard what that shitty bastard said about you. I don't blame you for running."

"Are you comfortable telling us what happened?" Jeffrey asks, Boram nodding next to you. "I don't want to pressure you into talking if you're not ready. But maybe an outside perspective might help you process things."

You stare at the wall for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. You don't mind telling them the story, but you're not exactly sure where to start, or what you're allowed to say due to the NDA. Your chest still aches when you think about it.

After taking in a deep breath, you slowly let out a long exhale. "I'm not really a sugar baby," you say to them. "I was doing work for him, but it wasn't sex."

"That makes more sense," Jeffrey chuckles. "I mean, not that there's anything wrong with being a sugar baby. Get that bread, sis. But it just doesn't seem like your thing."

"Yeah," you softly smile at him. "I can't disclose the type of work I was doing, but the end result was me catching feelings and him not feeling the same way."

You feel Nanami tense in your lap.

"I was pretty sure he felt the same way," you sigh, a lump forming in your throat. "Actually, I know he felt the same way. But I overheard him telling his ex that I'm nothing more than a business partner to him."

"[Y/N]," Nanami murmurs, looking up at you through her tears. "I talked to Na- I mean him. He didn't mean the things he said. He had reasons."

"Why would he say that to his ex then?" Boram asks.

"I don't know but he even lied to me about who she was in general," you frown, a single tear falling from your right eye. "When I asked him who she was, he lied and told me she was just someone who was obsessed with him in the past. He didn't admit she was his ex."

"Why would he not just admit it?" Jeffrey asks, his face contorted in confusion. "Men don't do that unless there's something to hide, I would know. I'm a guy."

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