Ch 21 | Ecstasy

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Y/N's POV:

The smell of grilled chicken and vegetables fill the apartment as you finish mixing together the japchae you've made for dinner. It was a typical Tuesday at work for you, and so far it actually seems like Jeffrey has completely forgotten that drunken conversation from Friday.

Namjoon hasn't been able to come home for the last two nights due to work. Once you had finished unpacking Sunday, he was called to the studio and you've hardly heard from him since. He was able to call you for five minutes Monday afternoon to let you know he was alive and wouldn't make it back again that night.

You received a message today around noon saying he may or may not be back tonight, so you made two servings of japchae just in case. You can always take the rest for lunch tomorrow if he doesn't show up.

After plating your dinner, you sit down at the kitchen table and scroll on your phone. You aren't much of a social media person yourself, but lately you've been checking it every day in hopes of catching a BTS post. Even though he's fucking your best friend, you still get excited when user j.m makes an appearance on your feed.

You're about to take your first bite of japchae when you hear the code being entered into the front keypad, unlocking the door. A big, beefy, weary Namjoon trudges through the door with his two backpacks — one for his music writing and one for miscellaneous overnight items.

He stops himself in the entryway when he sees you sitting at the table, your chopsticks halfway up to your face. You think he's going to say something but instead he just stands there, looking at you with an unreadable expression.

"Have you eaten?" you ask, setting your chopsticks back down.

"N-no..." he mumbles quietly.

You stand up and walk past him into the kitchen to begin making another plate, and Namjoon remains silent as he watches.

"What're you doing, weirdo?" you ask playfully, opening the drawer to grab another pair of chopsticks. "I know I'm pretty, but stop staring. Go put your stuff down; I made some for you too." 

He blinks a couple times before turning back towards his room to drop his bags. You set his plate down and head for the fridge, opening the doors to scan the options.

"What do you want to drink?" you shout, thinking he's still in his room.

"Sparkling water is fine," he says from behind you, scaring the shit out of you and making you jump.

"Jesus," you exhale with your hand over your chest. "How does someone so massive move around so quietly?"

"Sorry..." he murmurs, avoiding your eyes.

Your brows furrow in confusion. "Are you okay? Do you not want to eat?"

He looks back at you with giant puppy dog eyes, confusing you even more. He looks fatigued but also worried about something, like he's unsure of how to bring it up.

You hand him the bottle and sit back down in front of your dinner. "Come eat, and we can talk about whatever's on your mind. I won't know what's wrong if you don't tell me."

He obediently sits down at the table, resting his forearms on either side of his plate, slowly shifting his eyes between you and the food. You decide not to worry about his behavior and eat your dinner, waiting for him to talk whenever he's ready.

"You're not mad at me?" he finally asks, looking down at his food again.

"I..." you pause, confused. "What? Why would I be mad at you?"

He purses his lips together before speaking. "I couldn't contact you much and didn't come back for two days."

You blink at him, remembering a very similar conversation you've already had with him about the subject. He nibbles on his lower lip and taps his foot up and down nervously, waiting for your reply.

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