Ch 46 | Shambles

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Author's POV:

"Namjoon I need to talk to you," Nari says to him as soon as he steps off the bullet train.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asks behind him, adjusting the bag over his shoulder.

She remains silent as she bores her eyes into Namjoon's, making him incredibly confused by her actions. Namjoon noticed you had called him, so he texted you this morning saying he'd be back in a few hours and to wait for him at home. All you responded was "okay."

"Sure, I guess." Namjoon shifts uncomfortably, glancing at Yoongi and Hoseok. "Guys I'll see you later, go home and get some rest."

Yoongi stares at Nari for a moment, but eventually shrugs and heads toward the vans, ready to drive them home.

"What is it?" Namjoon asks, starting to get nervous. He knows you aren't very comfortable with Nari, so he doesn't really like the idea of being alone with her. But the look on her face has him anxious and curious.

She grabs his wrist and drags him to her car. "Get in."

Namjoon quietly follows her orders and slips into the passenger seat as Nari settles herself into the driver's seat. She picks up her phone and scrolls through a few photos, before landing on one that surprises him.

It's a photo of you and Jungkook on the maroon couch in the restaurant. Your hand is on his bicep with his face leaned towards yours, almost looking like you're about to kiss.

His eyes glance up to her in confusion. "What is this?"

"[Y/N] and JK were together last night, I saw them," she frowns, pulling her phone back to her. "It's not edited, I took this picture."

Namjoon blinks at her, trying to process her words. "Did you see them kiss?"

"No," she sighs. "Jungkook got a phone call right before they were about to."

"You must've seen it wrong," Namjoon answers casually. "They would never do that."

Nari scoffs, holding the picture up again. "Namjoon, I saw it with my own eyes. It was just the two of them. It was so obvious that I went up and called her out on it."

"And how did she react?"

"Of course she denied it," Nari snorts. "But then I read the note he left her."

Namjoon's brows raise, waiting for her to continue. She pulls the white napkin from her pocket before handing it over for him to read. He scans it over, seemingly unbothered until he gets to the last sentence. Now he's even more confused as he looks back up at Nari.

"JK had to leave because of a scandal," she explains, running a hand through her brown hair. "So while we were arguing in the bathroom, he'd already left. He gave that note to the waitress for [Y/N] to read."

He chuckles as he shakes his head, handing her back the note. "Damn, I knew Jungkook had good taste," he says playfully.

"Namjoon I'm serious," Nari glares. "Something is going on."

"Look, I appreciate your concern," he smiles warmly. "But [Y/N] would never do that. And even if she did, JK would never do that. It just doesn't make sense."

Nari's about to refute but Namjoon cuts her off. "You've known Jungkook for years. Do you think he's the type who would do something like that?"

Nari bites into her lip, unsure of how to answer. No, she really doesn't think Jungkook would ever intentionally do anything to hurt Namjoon. But it's not like this is a rumor. She saw it with her own eyes. She saw the way Jungkook was looking at you. She knows what JK looks like when he's looking at a woman he wants.

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