Ch 35 | Proposition

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Y/N's POV:

The officer was kind enough to read the atmosphere and give you fifteen minutes instead of ten, but eventually had to knock before entering your room. Namjoon had already gotten out of the bed and is now holding your hand in the loveseat next to you.

"Are you up to answering some questions?" the man asks softly, kindness evident behind his eyes.

You slowly nod, gesturing for him to take a seat on the couch. He seats himself down onto the cushion before pulling out his pen and notepad, eyeing Namjoon on the other side of the bed.

"I want him to stay if that's okay," you say to the officer, squeezing Namjoon's hand. You have nothing against the gentleman before you, but it makes you nervous to be alone with another man right now.

He shifts his eyes back to you, pursing his lips. It's usually best to question victims alone, but this rookie cop isn't super interested in pissing off Kim Namjoon of BTS.

"Okay, he can stay," the officer sighs. "But he can't answer any questions for you. He has to be silent until we're done."

The both of you nod in agreement.

"First of all, I'm officer Lee," he smiles warmly. "I'm going to ask you questions, in detail, about last night. If at any point you're uncomfortable or need to take a break, let me know."

You squeeze Namjoon's hand a little harder as you nod, already feeling a lump in your throat. You swallow it back, feeling safe as Namjoon smooths his thumb over your knuckles.

"Can you tell me what you remember, starting from the beginning?" he asks, already writing something onto his notepad.

"I had just finished getting ready when the doorbell rang," you say, staring down at your lap. "It happened so fast I don't really remember much. I just remember feeling a sharp pain in my head as soon as I opened the door and then blacking out. When I came to, they were pouring water on me to wake me up."

You begin telling the officer everything that happened, from the threats to the choking to the stabbing. Namjoon remains silent by your side, gently stroking your hand intermittently.

"And then she came back from her phone call," your voice cracks, tears swelling in your eyes. "She told me she'd never forgive me for sleeping with Namjoon, and that Namjoon would leave me if I were to get fucked by one of her men- oh sorry for the language," you say quickly. "But those were her words." You feel Namjoon boiling with rage next to you, but he's keeping quiet like he promised.

"It's okay," Officer Lee assures you. "It's best to be as specific as you can. Did they sexually assault you?"

"No," you shake your head. "They were going to, but the police arrived before they could. The one with the scar had ripped my dress off and had his hand around my throat to stop me from screaming."

Namjoon has his head dropped, left elbow propping him up on his leg as his right hand grips yours on the bed. He's beginning to tremble with both sadness and rage, hearing all the details.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Officer Lee says softly. "I'm glad my team was able to arrive before anything else happened to you. They told me it was your cryptic phone conversation that saved your life."

"It was also Namjoon and Nanami," you smile. "They were able to figure it out. They're the ones that saved me. And I also want to thank the police and HYBE team for finding me so quickly."

"That's our job, Miss [Y/N]," he grins. "No need to thank us for doing our duties." He stands up, sliding his notepad into his back pocket. "We were able to recover the recording," he says, walking towards the foot of the bed. "Your story aligns perfectly with the footage."

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