Ch 20 | Brick by Brick

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Y/N's POV:

Your eyes slowly flutter open as little streaks of sunlight peek through the curtains. Your back is pressed against Namjoon as his hand loosely rests on your hip, and you suddenly feel a chill over your thigh that you're not used to. Groggily, you look down at the comforter that's only covering up to your mid thigh.

I have no fucking pants on.

You're frozen in place, slowly waking up enough to remember how you got yourself into this situation. As you replay last night's events, your hand slaps over your mouth and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

After staying as still as a statue for a minute or two, you're successfully able to shimmy your way out of the sleeping giant's arms before slipping a pair of leggings on and running to the bathroom.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck I can't believe I did that.

You quietly wash your face and brush your teeth before escaping into the kitchen.

"Oh my god," you groan, smacking your palm against your forehead. "Am I just some horny teenager who can't keep it together?" You start the coffee maker and lean forward against the kitchen counter, hands pressed against the marble.

What if he's angry? He said he wasn't but I don't know. Maybe I should just leave. I can escape right now and pretend like nothing happ-

Your anxious thoughts are cut short as you hear rummaging in Namjoon's bathroom. He's up. Now you're really starting to panic, shuffling back and forth not knowing what to do with yourself.

Fuck. I don't want to have to deal with my problems. Do I act like nothing happened? Do I apologize? [Y/N] why did you take your fucking pants off?

You have no idea why you're panicking like this. You're not usually one to overthink things to this degree. Maybe it's because it's been a while since you've seen him. Or maybe it's because you really like him and now it matters more if you upset him. The last thing you want is to push him into something he's not ready for.

Your heart gets caught in your throat as the door swings open, Namjoon yawning and stretching his arm over his head as he walks out. He's changed into a navy muscle shirt and some gray sweatpants, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

Of COURSE he has to look sexy as fuck right now.

"Oh hi— um," you stutter, avoiding meeting his eyes. He starts making his way towards you which only flusters you further.

God, [Y/N], why are you so fucking awkward?

"S-sorry about last night," you chuckle nervously. "You can just pretend it never happ-"

Your breath hitches as Namjoon's arms trap you against the counter, his body pressing against yours, leaving only a hair between your lips.

"W-what are you-"

"Please stop talking," he whispers before gently pressing his lips against yours. One hand anchors your hip while the other hand slowly traces up your arm to cradle your neck, leaving goosebumps where his fingertips touch.

Your eyes stay wide for a moment before fluttering closed as you lean into the kiss. Your hands grip his shirt as that familiar electricity courses through your body, sending shivers down your spine.

He tilts his head right to deepen the kiss, parting your lips ever so slightly to slide his tongue into your mouth. You let out a whimper as he gently bites your lower lip, pulling back for air before he slides right back into you, tasting every inch of your mouth.

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