Ch 10 | Uncomfortable Silence

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Y/N's POV:

You're staring down at the documents in front of you, brows furrowed.

"This is just the base contract, we'll need to discuss the details and revise things accordingly," Mr. Song explains.

You'd asked Mr. Song to provide the documents in English, as it's a little easier for you to read. You're fluent in Korean but you wanted to have the contract written out in your native language so you're sure you don't miss anything.

The beginning pages consist of a pretty standard Non Disclosure Agreement. HYBE is genius for essentially claiming the BTS members as their property. It sounds demeaning, but it's actually much easier for the company to protect them legally this way.

You can be sued for taking someone's trademarked artwork and distributing it. It's the same concept with the BTS members. Since they're HYBE property, no one is allowed to distribute their content without consequence.

You read over the documents rather quickly because this is practically a typical weekday for you. You've signed hundreds of NDA's for work, so you know what to look out for.

After a few minutes of reading, you sign your name on the dotted line.

"Thank you," Mr. Song says as he reaches for the completed paperwork. "Now for the terms and conditions of the contract." He spreads out a few pages in front of you and Namjoon, who is now sitting right beside you since he moved his chair closer to see the pages better.

"The conditions will pretty much be left up to you, Miss [Y/N]. I've written out the conditions that are most beneficial for Namjoon, you just need to read through them and let us know which ones need changing."

You scan over the pages and find a list of bullet points, giving a brief overview of the contract requirements.

• [Y/N] will sleep at Mr. Kim's apartment 4 nights per week; weekends being a requirement but the other days are up to the individuals

• [Y/N] must stay for a minimum of 8 hours, unless the reason for a shortened visit falls upon Mr. Kim

• [Y/N] will receive a base salary pay of $8,000 per night, with eligibility of overtime if 4 nights are exceeded

• The contract will extend over a period of 3 months, with the possibility of an extension

• If [Y/N]'s services are no longer required before the 3 month term, she will receive a payout of $50,000

•The funds for this contract will come directly from Mr. Kim's personal bank account

Your jaw drops straight into your lap. "Eight thousand dollars per night?! Fifty thousand dollars if it's cut short?!" you almost shout. You glare at Namjoon and say, "This is way too much! Do you think I'm doing this for your money?"

"No!" he exclaims. "But I need to make sure you're properly compensated. This amount is actually lower than what I originally proposed."

You stare at him in both irritation and awe as he holds your gaze. You pause before letting out a sigh. "This amount is insane," you say, pointing to the paper. "I never expected any sort of financial compensation in the first place. You literally could've just compensated me with chicken nuggets or something."

Taehyung huffs out a laugh a few seats away.

Namjoon takes a deep breath before looking away. He stares at the papers for a few seconds before he finally speaks, his voice stoic and cold. "We aren't dating, [Y/N]; there's nothing between us."

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