Ch 29 | Tequila Sunrise

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Y/N's POV:

"His ex tried to poison him?!" Boram exclaims, slamming her cup on the table.

"Yeah," you sigh, taking a bite of tteokbokki. "His story is that he was trying to protect me."

"Do you believe him?" Jeffrey asks, setting a piece of bulgogi onto your rice bowl.

You, Boram, and Jeffrey stopped by one of your favorite local cafes for dinner after work. It's been four days since you've been able to see Namjoon, but he has made it a point to text you every day and update you on if he can see you that night.

"I do," you nod. "He showed me the police report."

It wasn't actually a police report, it was a non-disclosure signed by Hae-Ran's father, promising to send her to another country for a few years. Namjoon is having to get the company involved again since they broke the agreement.

"That's nuts," Boram scoffs. "I'm glad you were able to talk it out with him. It sounds like this girl really did a number on the poor guy. But seriously, if you ever show up at my doorstep like that again, I'll cut his dick off." 

You snort and choke on your rice, and Jeffrey is quick to hand you his water.

"Thanks," you smile. "And seriously, thank you both for taking care of me. Especially you Jeffrey, I really owe you one."

"If you want to make it up to us, you should come out with us tomorrow!" Jeffrey beams, clapping his hands together. Him and Boram go out almost every weekend and they're party animals. Two hours with them results in the whole party being blackout drunk.

"I don't know," you groan. "You two are ruthless." The last time you went out with them you woke up in a random hotel with Boram and Jeffrey — you and Boram were cuddling on the bed, and Jeffrey was kicked to the floor.

"We won't get that crazy this time," Boram giggles. "Jeffrey actually has tickets to one of the high end bars in the area and it's strictly invite-only. We could just go for a few hours and leave if it's lame."

"It won't be lame though," Jeffrey smirks, leaning closer to you. "I heard celebrities go to this bar often; maybe you'll be able to see your celebrity crush, IU."

"I'm fucking in," you respond immediately.

"Yay!!" They both cheer in unison. "I have an extra ticket if you want to invite Nanami too," Jeffrey grins.

"Sweet!" you say excitedly. "I'll let her know."


"I'm sorry baby, I'll be stuck here again tonight."

"It's fine," you giggle into the phone, crawling in bed. "I'll get to see you this weekend."

"I'm hoping to at least be able to go home tomorrow. It's a Friday, I deserve to sleep in my own bed," Namjoon pouts.

"Ah, I won't be back until really late tomorrow anyway. I'm going out with my coworkers."

Namjoon's quiet for a few moments. "If I'm able to get off in time, can I pick you up afterwards?" he asks, and you can hear the puppy dog eyes in his voice.

"Of course you can," you smile. Your face is practically numb from how much of a giggly bitch you turn into when talking to him. "Also, just a heads up: I do not have to be sober for you to fuck me."

You hear choking on the other end of the line. "W-what?"

"I'm saying that once I've established that I'm seeing someone, I give consent to sex. Even when I'm drunk," you shrug, snuggling your Chimmy pillow. "I mean, obviously within reason. Not if I'm passed out or something. But I know you're the chivalrous type, and I can guarantee I'm going to beg you to rail me if you pick me up tomorrow."

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