Ch 27 | Every Inch

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure you're not forgiving him too easily?" Nanami asks, a mug of green tea in her hand as she sits down on your couch.

"I probably am," you shrug. "But just because I've forgiven him doesn't mean I've forgotten. It's going to be a while before he gets my trust back."

Nanami came over to help you with the movers. They were able to finish up relatively quickly, as it was just your couch, bed, coffee table, and dresser they delivered. You're both sipping the green tea Mrs. Watanabe had Nanami bring from home while sitting on your brand new tan leather couch. It's a luxurious reclining model that Mr. Yang made sure to order for you. Being nice to others pays off sometimes. Everything else looks exactly the same since your insurance was able to find duplicates.

"Make that motherfucker earn it," she smirks. "But I'm glad you guys were able to talk. Sounds like he's been through hell because of that Hag-Ran bitch."

"Yeah," you frown, gripping your cup. "I can't imagine how hard it was for him to open up to me after being fucking poisoned. I don't think I'd ever be able to trust someone again."

"Unfortunately he's always a target," she shrugs, taking a sip from her cup. "The risk of being poisoned is probably prevalent in a lot of places he goes. It's awful but probably not as shocking for him as it would be for most people."

"True," you grimace, looking down at your lap. "But I can't believe I spoke to her like a friend. I really thought she was an angel when I met her."

"That's how it always goes," Nanami laughs, setting her cup down on your new coffee table. "The worst bitches on earth are kind to your face."

Nodding in agreement, you take a sip of your tea. "I'll have to explain things to Boram and Jeffrey too. They really saved me that night. They'll probably be very confused as to why I'd forgive him so easily."

"I'm pretty sure once you tell them a psychotic nut job poisoned him they'll understand," she giggles. "Jeffrey might be a little hard to convince though."

"Why?" you question.

"Seriously?" she scoffs. "Jeffrey has had a crush on you for at least a year now."

"No way in hell," you laugh. "Jeffrey always acts like such a playboy; he hits on other women constantly."

"You really are stupid aren't you?"

You almost choke on your tea. "W-what?" you croak. "I can guarantee you there's no way Jeffrey likes me. He has just flirted a couple times."

"Yeah, whatever," Nanami rolls her eyes. "So what are you going to wear for your fuck session tonight?"

"I have no idea," you groan, leaning back against the couch cushions. "It's been close to a year since I've had sex."

"You haven't fucked since Jungkook?" she gasps.

Don't be confused. Nanami is not talking about Jeon Jungkook. Your first and only boyfriend since coming to Korea happened to be named Jungkook too. He absolutely hated being compared to JK the idol.

"No," you sigh. "I've had plenty of make out sessions and some oral here and there. But not actual sex."

"Damn, you virgin," Nanami giggles. "I'm sure it'll be fine though. I have a feeling Namjoon knows how to fuck well. We just need to find you some sexy underwear."

"I agree," you groan into your hands. "I haven't been this nervous since losing my virginity."

"Come on bitch," she grins. "It's time for some shopping."

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