Ch 6 | Please

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Y/N's POV:

The sound of running water slowly begins to wake you from your sleep. It's actually kind of peaceful, reminding you of the small creek in your backyard at home. You hum happily to the sound of it.

The water starts to get a little bit louder, and you open your heavy eyelids to see what's going on. You find yourself in your living room, remembering you had cried yourself to sleep after the boys left a few hours ago. You blink a couple times, confused as to why you see water all over your hardwood floors.

Then suddenly it hits you.

"Oh shit!" you scream, springing up from your couch. You immediately run to your bathroom and see water flooding down from the ceiling. But then all of a sudden, the water just stops.

Shortly after, you hear a knock at your front door. You sprint to the entrance, opening the door to find your building manager, looking stressed out and haggard.

"I'm sorry Miss [Y/N]," he says, rubbing his forehead with his palm. "Your upstairs neighbor's pipe burst. It's probably going to take 1 or 2 months at minimum to repair everything."

Great. As if this day could somehow make me feel worse.

"If you have a place to stay," he continues, "I recommend moving there as soon as you can. We had to shut the water off. If you don't have anywhere else to go, I do have extra spaces available within the building, but they're only open for a few days at a time. I would have to move you from floor to floor every now and then."

You stare at him for a second and he shifts uncomfortably, giving you an apologetic look. He's a small, feeble looking gentleman in his fifties or sixties with a bald patch on the top of his head and thick, black glasses on his small face. But despite his current demeanor, he is usually very professional and has always been kind to you and the other residents.

It's not his fault, [Y/N]. He's probably more devastated than you are since this will cost him a fortune to fix.

You let out a heavy sigh. "No, don't worry about it Mr. Yang. I have a place I can stay. Please give me a call as soon as everything is taken care of."


After packing up all your clothes and necessities, salvaging what you could from your bathroom, you show up to your best friend's house two and a half hours later. "[Y/N]!" she exclaims, throwing her arms around you, making you drop half of your stuff. "I missed you! I'm so glad you're staying with us!"

You smile into her hug, feeling grateful.

Nanami can be annoying at times, but there is no one on this earth that has your back like she does. You had called her to tell her your situation and before you could even ask, she was demanding that you come stay with her and her family. Her exact words were, "Bitch, get the fuck over here and let's have a two-month long slumber party."

"Come on, let's go inside," she says excitedly after picking up all your things.

You follow her through the house as she steers you to one of their many guest rooms. You've been here multiple times, but she always has you switch rooms you stay in. She likes to decorate and always wants to place you in her latest creation.

After setting your things down, she drags you into the kitchen where her parents are making dinner. Their house is absolutely stunning, as usual, with a traditional Japanese interior and exterior. The only exceptions from a traditional Japanese household are all their modern and state-of-the-art appliances inside, along with actual mattresses instead of futons.

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