Ch 13 | Hug

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This chapter contains and/ or mentions the following:
Blood, violence, assault, SA

Viewer discretion is advised


Y/N's POV:

Mr. Kim:
We're pulling up. Go to the second
building behind the club. We're parked
on the street in a black Lexus.


The nice girl that was next to you in the club made you chug some water, so you certainly aren't sober, but now you at least aren't slurring every other word.

The world needs more angels like her.

Stepping outside of the club, you take a whiff of the asphalt mixed with warm summer air. Taking a second to look around, you spot Sena and Ji-Ho talking off to the side.

"My pals!" you cheer as you put your arms around them.

"[Y/N]!" Sena shouts excitedly. "I love you so much!" She giggles and gives you the cutest bubbly smile.

Yeah, she's just as drunk as you are.

"I love you too, Princess," you say as you kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna go home with my friends, they came to pick me up. Can you let Nanami know?"

"Yeah no worries, we'll let them know," Ji-Ho smiles. He's drunk but not nearly as drunk as his wife.

"Bye babies, get home safely!" You wave as you turn to walk around the outside of the club.

You see a building up ahead and spot a black Lexus flashing its lights. Smiling ear to ear you start heading towards the car until you're harshly jerked back by your wrist.

"Where are you going?!" Chul shouts. "It's dangerous to walk alone out here."

"Ah," you blink, taking a second to process. "I told Sena but I guess you missed her. My friends are going to take me home, they're in that Lexus." You point to the car a couple yards away.

"Why aren't you going back with us?" he frowns, still gripping your wrist.

"Chul, go find your girlfriend," you scoff. "You don't need to worry about me." It's possible that he really is just worried about your safety, but you find that highly unlikely considering his behavior tonight.

His grip on your wrist tightens, making you wince in pain. "Hey what the fuck dude? Let me g-"

Chul yanks your body towards him, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you close. His hand makes his way to your ass and he grabs it, hard, causing you to yelp in pain.

"Get off of me, fucker," you spit through clenched teeth, trying to push him off, but you're too drunk. Chul is bigger, taller, and stronger than most people he comes across, so you don't stand a chance. Then he grabs your hair, forcefully pulling your face towards his.

Your lips are millimeters apart when you suddenly feel him being ripped from your body. You gasp and look up to see Namjoon yanking him by his collar while Jimin pulls you into his arms.

"Man what fuck are you doi-" Chul's cut off by Namjoon's fist slamming into his jaw, making him stumble backwards and fall to the ground.

"C'mon," Jimin says in a hushed tone. "We can't get caught out here."

Namjoon raises his fist like he's going to hit Chul again but you stop him, grabbing his arm.

"Baby, stop," you beg. "He's not worth it. Don't put yourself at risk like this. Let's go."

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