Ch 37 | Bandages

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Y/N's POV:

"No, I'm serious!" Taehyung huffs, stomping the ground like a toddler.

"Bullshit," Hoseok laughs, clutching his side. "I've known you for ten years. You do not have a banana hammock with Tata on it."

"Do you want to see a pict—"

"No!" you and Hoseok yell in unison.

Earlier today Nanami helped check you out of the hospital and brought you back to Namjoon's. She stayed for an hour or two before having to leave for a family event. You were only alone for about twenty minutes when Taehyung and Hoseok showed up to hangout.

It's now been four hours of their banter, and they're annoying as hell, but you're grateful for the company right now. The memories come flooding back when you're by yourself for too long, though it would be nice to have just a bit of time alone.

"Hyung!" V shouts as Namjoon walks through the door. "Tell her I have a Tata man thong. You've seen it."

Namjoon pauses in the front entryway, baffled at the conversation he just walked into. He snorts before bending down to take off his shoes. "Yeah, he really does."

"No way!" Jhope yells, jumping from the couch. "You let Namjoon see and not me?"

"I told you I'll show you a pict—"

"No!" all of you exclaim, this time Namjoon included.

"Fine," Taehyung pouts. "But [Y/N], if you change your mind I'm just a phone call aw—"

"Out," Namjoon growls, pointing to the door.

"Lighten up, you giant pound cake," Taehyung laughs, turning back to you. "But we actually do need to leave now. We have dinner plans with Jimin."

"Yeah," Jhope smiles. "Thanks for hanging out with us [Y/N]."

Your heart gets lodged in your throat. You know they came here to spend time with you so you wouldn't be lonely. They took time out of their busy schedules to stop by, and you're willing to bet Namjoon had asked them to.

"That's my line," you grin. "Come by anytime, I'll be glued to this couch for a while."

You're able to walk around and do things on your own, but not for long. The doctor instructed you to not put too much pressure on your right leg for a while, not wanting to risk the wound opening back up.

You wave to them as they head out, turning your gaze towards Namjoon's door. It sounds like he's hopping in the shower. You put your murder documentary back on and sink back into the couch, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Twenty minutes later Namjoon's door swings back open. "Did you eat? Do you need anything while I'm up?" he asks, heading for the kitchen. It's around 6:30pm, which is usually right before hangry [Y/N] kicks in.

"Just a banana milk please," you answer, eyes still on the TV. "I haven't eaten yet but I'm not hungry."

"Why is there banana milk in my fridge?" he asks, brows furrowed as he opens the doors.

"Taehyung brought them," you chuckle. "Apparently they're from Jungkook. He couldn't stop by but sent something with Tae."

"Ah," he nods, grabbing a mini carton and heading to the couch where you sit.

You're propped up against the L of the couch, your injured right leg stretched out on the outer edge with your left bent up to your chest. You're in the spot he's usually sitting in when you cuddle.

Namjoon's stomach drops when he gets around the couch and sees you. Your leg is still bandaged up but your wrists are not. The bright red indentations are still prominent. Some parts of the wounds have started scabbing up, leaving some still raw and angry.

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