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Y/N's POV:

"I know it's last minute, but would you two mind filling in?" your new boss, Mr. Kang, pleads to you and Jeffrey. It's refreshing having a superior that asks for permission rather than barking out orders.

"Of course we will," you smile, Jeffrey nodding in agreement. Having a boss that treats you well and respects you is a game changer. It makes you actually want to work harder for him.

You were introduced to Mr. Kang last month, and now you're walking into your fifth week at work. Honestly he looks like he could be an idol too; his sharp jawline and broad shoulders make him incredibly attractive. He has thick black hair that gets slicked back every day and his legs are long, giving him around 185 centimeters of height. He's older but not by much, maybe 6 or 7 years.

Not only is he good looking, Mr. Kang is fluent in six different languages, and he's great with people. He became the supervisor for HYBE's translators at a pretty young age with his brains and people skills. Normally you and Jeffrey handle translations behind the scenes, but today two employees called in sick from a stomach bug.

"You guys are life savers," he breathes out. "We need one translator to go with BTS and one translator to go with Seventeen. Jeffrey, I'll have you go with BTS so there's no conflict of interest."

Mr. Kang is aware of your relationship with Namjoon, and the company has made it clear they won't allow you to translate for them in public spaces. Apparently Namjoon makes it too obvious, looking at you like a puppy whenever you're around.

"That's fine," you grin, clapping your hands together. "I'm excited to meet Seventeen as well."

"Okay great," he flashes his perfect smile that makes you swoon; it even affects Jeffrey. You're pretty sure half the department has a crush on him. Hell, you can't even blame them. "Let's meet back here in about twenty minutes and I'll drive you to the venue.

"Oh my gosh this is so exciting!" Jeffrey squeals like a girl, grabbing your hand as Mr. Kang walks away. "I haven't seen any of them since the bar."

"You're going to get to meet Jungkook before I do," you laugh, tossing your head back. JK made Namjoon listen to him whine for an hour straight when he found out the two of you had left just ten minutes before he arrived at Yoongi's. Then the very next day, JK flew to Los Angeles to write and record a song with Bruno Mars; he's been gone this whole month and apparently he just got back yesterday. You and Jeffrey gather your things and grab a quick snack at the company cafeteria before heading out to Mr. Kang.

"[Y/N]!" you hear an annoying voice from behind you.

"Hey Nari," you smile uncomfortably. You haven't seen much of her the last month, she's been helping other groups with their stage lighting and performances. She's said hi to you a couple of times in passing but that's it. Nothing else inappropriate has gone down so you're really starting to wonder if you made the whole thing up in your head.

"Are you guys heading somewhere?" she asks, pointing to your work bags.

"We're going to help out with today's magazine interviews," Jeffrey smiles as he grabs some onigiri from the shelf for the two of you.

"I'm so jealous," she pouts, stomping her foot. "I haven't gotten to see Yoongi much lately."

Nari and Yoongi apparently started telling the staff about them, and fortunately Nari was wrong about anyone treating her differently. BTS and their staff are very close, and they trust each other — according to Namjoon, no one seems to mind. Yoongi is able to hide his fondness, unlike Namjoon, so there's no issues with them working together.

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