Ch 11 | Curious

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Y/N's POV:

Nanami was more than willing to sign the non disclosure, but she wasn't too happy about the look on your face. You promised her you'd explain everything once they wrapped things up with the NDA.

"Bye Mr. Song!" you wave to the black van. You sigh and close the door, returning to the living area where Nanami sits.

"Okay, so you're basically a sugar baby, but you have to pay taxes on the income," Nanami says, rubbing her temples.

Oh god. I really am Kim Namjoon's sugar baby.

"This is like one of your weird ass fantasies coming true," she smirks. "So why the long face?

You slowly make your way over to the sofa chair next to her. After taking a sip of tea, you begin telling her everything that had happened, from Namjoon being able to sleep, to how he caressed you in bed, to how he touched you the next morning.

Nanami tilts her head to the side and cocks an eyebrow. "Okay that all sounds really great? Why are you down in the dumps?"

You drink a bit more of your tea before responding. "As I was signing the contract, Namjoon made it very clear that he didn't want anything other than an employee/ employer relationship with me," you mumble.

"Okay first of all, employers don't cuddle their employees and moan into their ears at night," she scoffs, "But go on."

Of course Nanami is able to make you laugh at a moment like this. You then explain to her everything he said during the meeting with Mr. Song.

"He apologized after Jimin called him out for how unnecessary his comment was, and I really don't think he meant to hurt my feelings. I'm going to let it go. It just kind of embarrassed me a little. I know we have this intense spark but I haven't even come close to asking for anything from him."

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Nanami asks softly, grabbing your hand. "The contract hasn't even started yet and he's already hurt your feelings. I know you were a big fan in the past but you don't have to put yourself in this position if you don't want to."

Looking up at her, you can see her eyes are filled with nothing but concern for you. She really is one of the best friends you could ask for.

"I know," you smile, squeezing her hand back. "But I do want to do this for him. Namjoon has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world make it through hard times, despite all the hate and negativity thrown at him. So I want to help him through his tough time too."

"Do you have feelings for him?" Nanami asks.

"I've thought about it... but honestly it's too early to tell," you answer. "I only really met him a week ago. I know I love him as a fan. And now there's this weird spark and connection, but I'm not sure what it means."

You look down at your tea and furrow your brows. "Like, don't get me wrong, I'd let him rearrange my guts at any moment," you say, making Nanami choke on her water. "But fascination and feelings are two different things."

"Okay," Nanami nods, wiping the water from her chin. "I've got your back, I'm going to support you no matter what."

"I am going to have a talk with him though," you frown. "I want to make it clear that I'm not expecting anything from him, and that he doesn't need to worry about me."

"I think that's a good idea." Nanami smiles. "Now let's go get lunch please, before I starve to death."


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