Ch 7 | Off the Ledge

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Author's POV:

The morning the boys had left your apartment, Namjoon rode back to the office in complete silence. Jin tried to make conversation a few times but Namjoon wouldn't respond; he just kept blankly staring out the window. He didn't really know what he was feeling, but he knew he wasn't in the mood for chatter.

He was still trying to process everything that had happened. Your existence was confusing to him. The same electricity you had felt, he felt it too. But Namjoon was a busy man, so he didn't have much time to think about things. He didn't want to think about things. The more confused he was by something, the less he wanted to think about it.

He was at least excited that maybe his insomnia was finally cured.

After a very stressful and busy day, Namjoon was finally able to plop himself onto his king sized mattress, burying himself under his silk sheets and thick comforter. He made sure to shower, set the temperature low, take his vitamins, and even have a glass of wine before bed. Before the insomnia started, that had always been his nightly routine to ensure a good night's rest.

He checked his phone before going to sleep. 10:38pm. Then he set his phone to charge and closed his eyes. His thoughts immediately drifted to you, which is what he'd been trying to avoid all day.

He wondered how you were doing, which he knew he shouldn't. He doesn't have time for new friends or girlfriends. He's still pretty scarred from his last romantic endeavor. The time and distance had made her grow bitter over the course of their relationship. And in the end, he'd lost her.

He groaned, flinging his arm over his face. "No thinking. Just sleeping," he mumbled to himself.

To his surprise, he was actually able to fall asleep. But it didn't last long because not even 2 hours later, he was back to stirring around in bed, eyes glued to the ceiling. The process repeated a few times until his alarm went off at 7:30am.

Crankily, Namjoon rose from his bed and began getting ready for another busy day.


"Wait, seriously?" Jin asked. "You couldn't sleep? I thought you slept like a rock the other night."

"Yeah," Namjoon huffed. "I guess it was just one night of luck."

All 7 members were in the dressing room getting ready for rehearsal.

"You slept with [Y/N] next to you, right?" Taehyung asked.

She wasn't really next to me. Namjoon thought to himself. She was more swallowed up in my arms.

Namjoon frowned, "Yeah, why?"

"Maybe you need to sleep next to someone? Try taking someone home and have them sleep with you," Taehyung said, trying to roll up his sleeves.

Namjoon isn't a fan of bringing random girls home. He's not into one night stands. He had his fair share of those in his early twenties but always found himself miserable or regretful the next day so he stopped.

Taehyung could see Namjoon's thoughts behind his scrunched up face. "I'm not saying you have to fuck her," he laughed. "I mean literally bring someone to sleep next to you. You know I like to cuddle. Bring me home," he winked.

Though he wasn't pleased with the idea, Namjoon was actually desperate enough to consider it.

"It's actually not a bad idea," Yoongi chimed in. "Maybe that was the key. I'd say try recreating the scenario."

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