Ch 31 | Nickname

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Y/N's POV:

You're skipping along the sidewalk, humming to yourself as you leave work to meet Nanami for dinner. She's been begging you to go to this stand that apparently has the best chicken skewers in Seoul, and they're only open on Wednesdays. She made you pinky promise to join her this time.

Things between you and Namjoon have been great the last two and a half weeks. He's surprisingly had quite a bit of free time, allowing you two to stay at each other's place almost every night. The soundproof walls have been coming in handy since the two of you are unable to keep your hands off each other like horny teenagers, so you actually prefer staying over at his apartment now.

Jeffrey and Boram got sent off on a 3 week business trip in Busan, so you haven't really been able to explain what happened that night. Boram had texted you saying they wouldn't ask any questions for now, but that you were all having a powwow when they got back. You were surprised you hadn't heard from Jeffrey asking a hundred questions, but it's likely that Boram told him not to.

"So what will you guys do about the contract?" Nanami asks, biting into a skewer and burning her mouth. "Ow, fuck- isn't the renewal date coming up?"

"Oh shit," you groan. "I totally forgot about it. I've still been getting paid for four nights of the week even though we're staying together more than that."

"Are you guys dating?" she asks, still blowing on her skewer. "Like is he your boyfriend?"

You pause, furrowing your brows as you stare down at the plate of smoked chicken. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it." You look up to meet her eyes. "I think so?"

"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"No..." you mumble, looking back down.

"Sounds like you're just his prostitute now," she snorts playfully.

Your jaw slacks a little as you realize she's right. You're not just getting paid to sleep next to him anymore. You also happen to get paid as your back gets blown out by him regularly too.

"Oh god," you groan, running your hand through your hair. "Am I supposed to just ask him 'are we dating?' I don't really like that though. I'd feel like I was making him do it if I were the one to bring it up." Your frown morphs into a pout as your nibble on your chicken, lost in thought.

"I'm surprised he hasn't asked yet," Nanami says, taking a sip of her water. "He seems like the traditional type. Like he would want to make things clear."

"Maybe he doesn't actually like me," you frown.

You and Nanami lock eyes before bursting out in laughter. "Fat chance," she snickers, picking up another skewer. "I'm pretty sure he's the one who's fallen harder."

"I agree," you giggle. "His love language must be physical touch because he is glued to me when we're together. The other day I asked him to get off of me because he's literally a walking furnace and I was starting to sweat. He looked at me like I shot him."

"I can totally see that," she leans her head back laughing.

"What's up with you and Jimin?" you ask, brows raised. Her smile gradually disappears as it turns into a nervous lip bite.

"What?" you ask sternly. "Did he do something wrong? He's my bias but I am not afraid to run him over with my car."

"No," she snorts, anxiously rubbing her palms against her denim skirt. "He actually told me he likes me." She mumbles it so quietly you almost don't hear her.

"What!?" you exclaim, slapping your palms down on the table. You quickly cover your mouth as you see several tables turn to glare at you. "Oh my god," you whisper into your palm. "What did you say?"

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