Bonus • The...Binky.

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Bonus Part #5 ❤️

You and Chris have a new battle in your hands, AKA, Operation: Get Rid of The Binky

Attempt #1

"Is that good, love bug?" Chris kisses Sienna's cheek as she finished her apple juice. She's gulping it down fast and not even coming up for a breath.

You and Chris have tried to teach her not to squeeze or tilt the juice box - because if she did she'd spill it everywhere.

She's getting better at it, since she found one solution - make Dada hold it, for her.

"Guud," Sienna comes up for a breath and she speaks breathless, making you smile. This little girl sure was a silly one.

Then she goes back in to suck on the straw for more, resting her little hands on top of Chris's much larger ones.

Your husband sat on the edge of the couch, while Sienna stood between his legs, facing the TV, she looked so small compared to your husband, and he wasn't even standing he was crouched over her.

Somehow, someway, you got the babies and Sienna on the same nap schedule with the help from your mother in law. So now as you and Nikki fed the babies their bottles, they'd be heading up into their nursery for a nap.

"There's no more, buddy," Nikki explains to your crying son, "you drank it all!"

You and her were sitting on the couch adjacent to where Chris was with Nena, baby girl was almost done with her bottle, you were too busy lost in those beautiful eyes of hers, and that adorable little smile.

That's why she was so behind from her brother, she just kept smiling up at you and won't drink anything. You press your nose to here, making her smile again, "you're so silly, my love, you gotta finish your bottle so you can go nap."

"Eh!" A baby grunt is heard, and you look over to your son, who's angry with his aunt, he touches the bottle with his baby hands. Nikki looks at you confused.

"He wants you to give him the rest of the milk," Chris explains, still holding Sienna's juice box.

"There's nothing left, dude," Nikki waves the bottle around, your son's eyes glued to it.

"There is, Nikki, just a little bit," you motion the very small amount at the bottom of the bottle. Your son likes to have every drop, "give him it, if not he won't ever go down."

After the twins had their bottle you and Chris head into their rooms and put them down into their cribs and cuddling them, kissing them, holding them and swaying them back and forth so they'd fall asleep.

Chris closes the curtains, while you watch your babies sleep, sucking on their little paceys, He comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, so content to have this life with you.

"Let's go put our remaining child to sleep," you playfully speak, and reach to caress his handsome face behind you.

He kisses your neck, and kisses down to your shoulder. Having perfect access since your hair was up.

"Which one? The big one or the little one?" Chris teases, referring to Nikki. You hit his arm holding your hips, as he laughs.

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