37 Blocked

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After driving for a while and the sun starting to set we came to another block.

"Making our stand?" Sasha asked Rick.

"Yeah, we end it." Carl said.

"No, not now. They've been waiting. They're ready. With one of us behind the wheel, that's six on 16. We're gonna play it our way, how we want it. Right." Rick looked at Carl.

"Right." Carl nodded.

"All right, go slow." Rick told Abraham as we backed away gunshots echoed as one of the Saviors shot into the air.


It wasn't long before Abraham pulled the brakes again. We looked out at a row of Walkers with a chain connecting them.

"We can't go through it. Can't risk the RV. You stay behind the wheel just in case. We'll clear it." Rick said.

I walked out gun in hand after Carl carefully approaching the Walkers.

"Putting together a bed with me like that takes people." Eugene said. "A lot of them.

The chain went through some Walkers.

"Come on, let's do this." Rick said talking out his ax.

"Dad." Carl called.

"That's Michonne's." Aaron spoke.
I looked at one of the Walkers and sticking out of its head was a lock of Michonne's hair.

"That's Daryl's." Sasha noticed as I looked to a Walker with two of his crossbow arrows in its chest.

Rick walked forward ripping Michonne's hair out of the Walkers head. Just as he was about to swing his as gunfire started.

"Get back to the RV! Go!" Rick shouted.

I stood beside Carl shooting at the Saviors hidden in the trees as Rick hacked at the hand of a Walker.
I ran back to the RV with Carl as the wall of Walkers was broken. The moment the door shut the RV got moving.

I sat back with Maggie, she was getting worse, she had a growing fever. Aaron went up to tell Rick.

"Rick." Abraham called, we were forced to turn around, because of another block but there were a lot more people.


"Are we close?" Maggie weakly asked Rick.

"Yeah, we're— we're getting there." Rick told her.

"Were there— I heard shots." Maggie said.

"Yeah, the Saviors, but they're gone. We are. We're gonna get you there." Rick told her.

"I know." Maggie said.

"You're gonna be okay. The baby's gonna be okay. This isn't it. This isn't it. There's more. There's gonna be more." Rick spoke.

"I believe in you, Rick." Maggie told him.


We came to another stop. I left the RV will Carl as we walk forward with the others toward a big wall of logs.

"These tracks... they would indicate they not only have people, but some big-ass, toys and capabilities." Eugene said.

"What it indicates is we are neck-deep up shit creek with our a mouths wide open." Abraham said. There was a scream behind us. Quickly we turned around to see a man getting dropped from the bridge with a chain around his neck, the same man we saw at the first roadblock.

"Don't." Abraham stopped Aaron who held out his gun.

"I can try and break the chain." Aaron said.

"It won't work." Abraham told him.

"I can try." Aaron hoped.

"It won't work." Rick said.

"If by chance you were able to the impact could kill him, he's not in the best state." I say.

"And we need the bullets." Rick added.
We watched as the man struggled, desperately trying to loosen the chain around his neck, but failed and soon his body fell limp.

"You're treating your people good, right? Like it was your last day on Earth?" The voice from the same Savior that spoke to us at the first road block said from over the now burning logs. "Or maybe one of theirs? You better go. It's gonna get hot. You go get where you're going."

   "Go, go." Rick instructed and we ran back inside the RV and drove off.


   "So, what's the play?" Abraham asked.

    "She needs a doctor." Rick said.

   "There are two more routes north from here." Sasha pointed on the map.

    "They're probably waiting for us right now." Aaron said.

    "So, they're ahead of us, probably behind us. But they're are not waiting on us, per se, they're waiting on this rust bucket. And they don't know the moment-to-moment occupancy of said rust-bucket. And the sun sets soon." Eugene explained.

It was decided it was dark, we had no other choice. We left the RV and put Maggie on a stretcher. Eugene stayed in the RV so the Saviors would think we were all still inside.
We headed into the woods Rick and Abraham holding up Maggie as we kept together.
Carl easily swung forward his mashers cutting the head of a Walker in half.

I watched Carl letting him talk to his Dad

"I heard what you told her when we were leaving. We can do anything, 'cause we'll do anything we need to do. We have and we will. What happened to Denise. I'm not going to let anybody die like that again." Carl told Rick.

"Son..." Rick started.

"What?" Carl asked.

The sound of whistling started to surround us. I kept looking through the trees but there was no movement, nothing.

"Go! Go!" Rick yelled as he started to run with Maggie.
I grabbed a hold of Carl's hand as we ran through the trees but the whistling wouldn't leave. We came into a clearing. A bright light suddenly turned on shining on us. I looked around ourselves, lining the clearing, surrounded us we Saviors, even now blocking our way we came in.
There were cars but so many people, at the end was the RV, our RV.
I squeezed Carl's hand as we looked around, I spotted Eugene kneeling, there was blood on his face. The whistling continued growing louder and louder coming to a stop when the same man that spoke to us stepped forward.

"Good. You made it. Welcome to where you're going. We'll take your weapons. Now." The Savior said taking out a gun and pointing it at us.

"We can talk about—" Rick tried.

"We're done talking." The Savior interrupted. "Time to listen."

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