Chapter 8

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Weiss slowly wakes up as she hears some muffled talking. She only opens her eyes briefly and barely see an unconscious Y/N beside her before a pair of legs pass in front of her, making her shut her eyes and pretend to still be unconscious. Around her and Y/N is a heated and muffled discussion and as she fully regains consciousness, Weiss hears the voices more clearly now. Hearing them as well, Y/N slowly regain consciousness but, as soon he hears these unfamiliar voices in front of him, Y/N keeps his eyes closed and opens them only a little to see his surroundings. Once he does, he discovers Weiss, laying on the ground beside him, and tied up on the ankles and her hands tied behind her back. 

Y/N #2: ("Weiss... where am I...?")

As he completely gains consciousness, the voices in front of them becomes clear as during this discussion, the first thing Y/N hear first is a man's voice.

Man's Voice: "We need to bury the body soon or else the sacrilege will upset the tribe. We already begun prepping the body."

A woman's voice replies back, a voice that Y/N is well aware of who it's from as anger begins to swell up inside him.

Y/N #2: ("Raven...")

Raven: "I'm aware, Shiloh. We'll take care of this as soon as the largest debris has been removed from the ruins. After that, we can strip for parts. Sacrilege or not, the scraps will be useful."

This is when another woman's voice cuts in, sounding much younger than Raven, but a voice that Y/N isn't familiar with. 

Girl's Voice: "What do you think we should do with them?"

Upon hearing this, Weiss and Y/N tenses since they know who they're talking about as Raven responds.

Raven: "Ideally, we just kill them and be done with it. Save us the trouble than to just keep them for ransom."

 Girl's Voice: "What?! We can't do that!"

Man's Voice: "I have to agree. One unnatural death is already one too many. Killing two more won't do us any favor." 

Raven let out a sigh before she continues speaking. 

Raven: "I know but, it doesn't make it any less annoying."

Keeping their eyes closed, Weiss and Y/N hear some footsteps approaching them before stopping as Raven speaks up.

Raven: "What do you think Schnee?"

Hearing this, Weiss reluctantly open her eyes to look up at Raven towering over her. Raven's eyes then shift to Y/N, who is still lying on the ground.

Raven: "You can open your eyes too. I know you're awake."

Slowly, Y/N open his eyes and starts to glare at Raven upon seeing her

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Slowly, Y/N open his eyes and starts to glare at Raven upon seeing her. As the two are locked in a staring contest, Weiss evaluate their surroundings.

Weiss: ("Where are we?")

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