Chapter 21

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Back in the Mistralian house, where Roman stand in the living room, sipping a mug of coffee and sneezing. From around the corner, Ruby and Y/N are observing the crime boss, sharing a quick look with one another before approaching him to talk. They catch his attention when Ruby is the first to speak up. 

Ruby: "At first, I couldn't see it. But now, there are these little things that remind me of Ozpin when I look at you, Roman."

This makes Roman perk a brow as he asks.

Roman: "How so?"

Y/N then points at him.

Y/N #1: "For one thing, your posture and pose are just like Ozpin's."

Ruby: "Also, the way you use that cane and uh... do you drink coffee before?"

Roman blinks, looking at himself before immediately tossing the coffee mug over his shoulder, shattering it on the ground behind him as he mutters to himself.

Roman: "Okay... let's not let that become a habit."

The crime boss looks at Ruby and Y/N.

Y/N #1: "You really have to waste a cup of coffee like that?"

Roman: "Eh, it wasn't much of a waste. So... you kids need something?"

Y/N #1: "Not me. Ruby does though."

Roman: "Really now?"

Ruby: "Uhm... yes... no... it's more like I want to talk to him... Ozpin."

Upon hearing this, Roman's neighborly attitude fades quickly, putting on a more serious tone. 

Roman: "Is this going to be a short chat or a long one?"

Giving a sheepish grin, Ruby nods to him.

Ruby: "It'll be a long chat."

Y/N #1: "Is there a problem with that?"

Letting out a sigh, Roman quickly replies back.

Roman: "I have a massage scheduled up at the Cho Chin at 5 o'clock and I don't want to be late."

This makes both Ruby and Y/N visibly puzzled at this.

Ruby: "You get massages?"

Y/N #1: "You pay for your massages?"

Roman: "What? Crime lords are people too. Who doesn't want a good massage? Especially when the weight of the world is literally between my ears, apparently."

Ruby: "Come on, just let me talk to him. I promise that it won't take up too much of your time."

Almost instantly, the disembodied voice of Ozpin chimes in, addressing to Roman. 

Ozpin: "It seems that Miss Rose would like to speak to me."

Roman: "Yeah, I know."

Ozpin: "Rest assured, Roman. My conversation with Miss Rose will conclude and give you enough time to get to your appointment."

Letting out a groan and rubbing his brows, Roman turns to Ruby and Y/N.

Roman: "Fine. We'll switch. Y/N, if the old geezer does something weird, just... I don't know, pin me against the floor or something?"

Y/N: "Oh... okay then."

And with that, Roman slowly close his eyes, remaining motionless as Ruby and Y/N just at look at him with some level of anticipation. A moment later, his eyes open up with his eyes being a different shade of green as he turns to look at them.

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