Chapter 20

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(Yang, Weiss, and Neo)

Inside of Raven's yurt, Yang, Weiss, Weiss's Y/N, and Neo (in that order) are all seated around a decent-sized tea table with a tea set and several cups before them. Across from them is Vernal and Raven, who is spinning a revolver cylinder from her weapon, Omen. The bandit woman flicks through a few more of Omen's blades before selecting a green one, drawing it out for a fresh sharpening. As she begins her work with the sharpening stone in silence, Yang raises a brow at her.

Yang: "So... are we going to start talking?"

Raven just gives her a sideway glance before resuming her work. Vernal waits only a beat before responding back.

Vernal: "We'll talk when Raven feels like talking."

Y/N #2: "Speaking for her now, are we?"

Vernal: "S-Shut-!"

She's cut off immediately by her mother's voice.

Raven: "Vernal, stop. I can speak for myself."

Vernal recoils, reluctantly yielding to her mother's words. As for Raven, she continues to sharpen, a sound that they'll be keep listening to in the background. After a few more strokes, Y/N speaks up once more, addressing to Raven.

Y/N #2: "Your blade will become too brittle if you keep doing that."

Raven merely stares at him for a bit before continuing her work.

Raven: "They're disposable."

Yang scoffs at this, speaking once more.

Yang: "Yeah, you'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you?"

Letting out a sigh, Raven finally asks.

Raven: "What do you want?"

Yang drops her hand to the table before quickly replying.

Yang: "Oh, I don't know. To see my mother for the first time in my goddamned life!"

Raven: "I thought her headstone was in Patch. Not in Mistral." 

Yang tightens her fist on the table.

Yang: "You know what I mean."

Raven: "No, I don't know what you mean."

Y/N #2: "And what makes you say that?"

Raven shoots a glare at Y/N before turning her attention to Yang.

Raven: "As far as I'm aware, you showed up in a town, beat the crap out of my men, chased them all across Anima, and crash-landed in the middle of my camp. All while being back seated by your little boyfriend, in which there's two of them now..."

The bandit woman points at Y/N next to Weiss before pointing at Neo as she continues.

Raven: "And by the same girl that I had to save you many months ago. Which I haven't forgotten that little run-in."

Neo sips her tea nervously, recalling her first encounter with Raven back in the train before the Vale Breach happened. And with that, Raven redirects her gaze back to Yang.

Raven: "So, no, I have no clue what you think I want, and I suspect neither does you yourself. Typical of someone raised by that bonehead Xiao Long."

This makes Yang stands up, glaring at Raven before shouting.

Yang: "You don't get to talk about Dad like that!"

Unfazed by her sudden outburst and glare, Raven calmly responds.

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