New Threads

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In the morning,Lincoln wakes up,and dresses up in his signature outfit,with a white hoodie. He goes downstairs to meet Clyde,Nikki,and Victor playing cards.



Nikki:"What's up,man?"


Lincoln:"So uh,what kind of threads are we working with,now?"

Victor:"We were thinking of having the colours black and red as our signature colours."


Clyde:"I'm thinking we get some new threads that match our main colour scheme."

Victor:"Good thinking."

Victor and the others go into a black van,with Lincoln being the driver.

Lincoln:"Where are we going,Victor?"

Victor:"We're going to a Binco shop that's downtown."

Lincoln:"Alright. Come on."

Lincoln starts driving,and the four engage in a conversation.

Clyde:"So Lincoln,how has it been the last six years in Royal Woods?"

Lincoln:"They've been fine-ish. You wanna know what happened with Lori?"

Clyde:"What happened?"

Lincoln:"She turned Leni into a drug addict. And,her slave."


Nikki:"Damn. How are we gonna get the gang back together?"

Victor:"I don't know. But I do know that we can bounce back from all this."

Lincoln turns left,heading into downtown.

Lincoln:"I can't believe that I've been gone for so long."

Clyde:"Don't sweat it,man."

Lincoln:"So,how are things with Julie,Victor?"

Victor:"She's still in high school."

Lincoln:"Okay. You think she's gonna rob banks when she's older?"

Victor:"Maybe she will,maybe she won't."

In Paleto Bay,a grey sedan was driving fast,with four girls inside it,wearing ski masks. Sarah was the driver.

Sarah:"How do you accidentally rob a bank,Sam?!"

Sam:"I don't know! It all happened so fast,okay?!"

Julie:"Shut up,and focus on losing all this heat!"

Ana notices that she had low ammo on her SMG.

Ana:"I'm running low,y'all!"

Sam:"I got an AK,here!"

Sam hands Ana an AK-47.

Ana:"This fucking antique?"

Sam:"Yeah,well... Winter ain't the pentagon!"

Sarah:"You got it off Winter?! Oh man,she's gonna be pissed when she finds out you took it."

Julie:"I'm sure she won't mind."

At Winter's house,she goes to her Dad's war room,to do her daily check routine.

Winter:"Time to check if everything is fine."

Winter opens a glass cabinet where the AK-47 was. She sees that it was gone,and she also sees a note from Sam.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionWhere stories live. Discover now