Fall of a Pimp

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Lincoln runs into the garage,and starts looking inside the trunk of a parked car.

Lincoln:"Damn,where'd I put it?! Where the fuck is it?! Damn it!"

Ronnie Anne arrives.

Ronnie Anne:"You okay,babe?"

Lincoln:"Yeah. Sid left me a message saying that I gotta deal with Jizzy and take his phone after he made the call. Then,I can take down those drug dealers from Los Santos during their meeting."

Ronnie Anne:"Want me to come with you?"

Lincoln:"No,this is a one man job. I need to be smart about this. I'm thinking of making a silencer."

Ronnie Anne:"Well,I got you a little something."

Ronnie Anne takes a silenced pistol from the tool trolley.

Ronnie Anne takes a silenced pistol from the tool trolley

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Ronnie Anne:"Here,take mine."

Lincoln:"Where'd you get that?"

Ronnie Anne:"Same place I buy my panties and bras,Linky. This is America."

Lincoln:"I love you Ronnie Anne."

Ronnie Anne:"I love you too,Linky."

They kiss each other lovingly on the lips,and Lincoln gets on a bike to go to Jizzy's club. He arrives and parks his bike by the parking lot.

Lincoln goes to the entrance,but he was blocked off by the bouncers.

Lincoln:"Hey,it's Lincoln Loud."

Bouncer 1:"You ain't getting in."

Lincoln:"Why not? Jizzy and I are partners."

Bouncer 2:"This is a private party. Jizzy doesn't allow guests."

Lincoln looks at the roof,and sees an open skylight.

Lincoln:"Okay,then. I'll let him do his thing."

Lincoln goes over to Jizzy's car,and flattens both tires with his knife. Then,he goes to a scaffolding next to the parking lot,and goes onto the roof. He crawls through the skylight,and enters the club.

Lincoln climbs down the stairs,and sees Jizzy relaxing on the sofa with a few of his girls with him. One of them were hugging his shoulder.

Jizzy:"Gimme some room. Gimme some room,bitch!"

Jizzy pushes a blonde stripper off of him,and then he stands up.

Jizzy:"It's that time of the week again... your provider is about to make that special call."

Blonde stripper:"You better make a bigger cut this week,Jizz! We're running low,honey!"

Jizzy was on the phone.

Jizzy:(to the blonde stripper)"Shut up bitch,I'm handling business!"

Blonde stripper:"Don't you even raise your voice at me,asshole!"

Jizzy:"Now shut up,bitch!"

He pushes the stripper backwards.

Jizzy:"Your funky ass..."

Blonde stripper:"What a dick!"

The stripper walks away in anger,and Jizzy sees Lincoln arrive.

Lincoln:"Hey Jizzy,I need to talk to you."

Jizzy:"Well talk then,friend. I mean,that's all we ever do. A kind word here,a wise saying there. Shit,I'm a walking book of proverbs."

Lincoln:"No,you fucked up!"

Lincoln pulls out his new silenced pistol,and aims at Jizzy's head.

Jizzy:"C-Come on,man. Hey,I get it wrong,you know? I'm imperfect. You know,like... hey. Not a kind man. Not a wise man,you know. Not a smart man,but... Dear Lord,I tried!"

Lincoln:"No. You fucked up when you trusted me,man."

Jizzy:"Come on,baby... I... I... But... But..."

Lincoln grabs Jizzy by the collar.

Lincoln:"You ass-selling,drug pushing,piece of shit trash!"

He pushes the pimp down onto the sofa,and aims at his head,preparing to do him in.

Jizzy:"Oh,Lord! What are y'all waiting for?! Somebody cap this nigga,man!"

Lincoln takes cover,and as the guards try to kill him,he was too fast for them. He pops out from cover,and kills four guards.

Lincoln runs outside,and Jizzy was struggling to drive,as his car was out of control. He grabs another car,and starts ramming Jizzy's car.

Jizzy:"Hey,I thought we was friends! We can talk this out,playa!"

Lincoln pulls out his pistol,and shoots Jizzy three times in the head,and the pimp falls out of his car,and the car crashes into a tree.

Lincoln:"Now,to find that phone."

Jizzy's phone starts ringing,and Lincoln picks it up.

T-Bone:"Hey,Jizzy! The Rifas and Ballas are at the pier! Get your annoying ass over here if you want your cut,puto! I say again,Pier 69! What the fuck,pendejo?! Are you even listening to me?!"

Lincoln hangs up,and calls Clyde and Ronnie Anne.



Ronnie Anne:"Hey,babe."

Lincoln:"I need you guys to meet me at Pier 69. We're gonna take down the Loco Syndicate."


Ronnie Anne:"See you there."


Lincoln hangs up,and starts driving to Pier 69.

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