Sindacco Shutdown

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Meanwhile,Lincoln heads over to Caligula's Casino to see if there was more work from Ken,Paul and Maccer. As he heads to the office,he sees Ken snorting on some coke.

Paul:"The good doctor has revived the patient! Sweet as,my son,sweet as!"

Lincoln:"So,is everything okay now?"

Ken:"No! Absolutely not! I'm still screwed! What the fuck are we gonna do? Any minute now,some Mafia bullet is going to splatter my brains all over the wall! My wall,my beautiful wall..."

Maccer:"Ooh,you missed a bit. I'll have that."

Tony:"Forget about it."

Ken:"Oh,that's a great idea,Tony. But you know what? It ain't going to work,okay? Not this time."

Lincoln:"Okay,you need to get a grip."

Ken:"Yeah,you're right. I need to get a grip!"

Lincoln:"Take control!"

Ken:"Yes,grab the bull by the horns!"

Lincoln:"And show everybody who's boss!"

Ken:"I'm the boss! I am the boss!"

Lincoln:"Alright,then! So,where are we going?"

Ken:"Details,details! Let's just get there!"

Both Lincoln and Ken leave the office as Paul scolds Maccer once more about his actions.

Paul:"Rack them up,Maccer. What's the matter with you?"

Outside,Lincoln enters his car with Ken.

Lincoln:"So,where to?"

Ken:"We're going to pay the Sindaccos a visit. See how Johnny is,win him over with some kind words during his convalescence."

Lincoln:(in mind)"If he sees me and recognizes me,then I might as well be screwed. I bet he's gonna have a heart attack just by even looking at me!"

Lincoln stops his car outside the meat factory where he dropped off Johnny not too long ago and he and Ken head inside as Lincoln stops to think about the surprise that might be in store for him and Ken.

Ken:"What's going on? You forget something?"

Lincoln:"No. You go in,and I'll wait here."

Ken:"Look,you gotta come with me. Please."

Lincoln:"Okay,alright. Damn,this is not good. It's gonna be fine,okay? Just remember;you're the boss!"

Ken:"I'm the boss? I'm the boss! I'm the boss! I am the boss!"

Lincoln and Ken walk over to the room where Johnny was supposed to be and they see two doormen.

Ken:"Hey,boys. Tell your boss that Ken Rosenberg is here to see him."

Thug:"Ken who?"

Ken:"Ken Rosenberg! The guy that runs this town!"

One of the thugs walk into the room to get Johnny,as said person comes out of the room in a wheelchair.

Johnny:"Ken! How you doing?"

Ken:"Pretty good. And you?"

Johnny:"Ah,still got a little bit of the night terrors,touch of diarrhea,but I'll get through it."

Ken:"Huh,diarrhea,cool. Yeah..."

Johnny:"And who's this...?"

Lincoln steps out of the shadow,making himself visible to Johnny and the man on the wheelchair starts freaking out as he saw the one person who scared him half to death.

Lincoln:"How are you,Johnny?"

Johnny:"It's him... It's him! Oh God,It's him..."

Just then,he holds his chest and screams in pain.

Johnny:"My heart! M-My heart...!"

Johnny falls over,struggling to breathe as Lincoln's eyes widen in shock.

Lincoln:(in mind)"I knew it! I fucking knew it! What the hell was I thinking?!"

One of the thugs bend down to feel Johnny's heartbeat,only to find that there was no pulse,meaning that he died from his heart attack.

Then,the two thugs stare holes into Lincoln as he pulls Ken into cover and they start a fire to keep them back.

Lincoln:"Damn it! They're trying to trap us in here! There should be a fire extinguisher around here! Find it!"

Ken:"Lincoln,leave no witnesses or else we're dead meat!"

Lincoln:(in mind)"Touchè,as we're inside a damn meat factory."

Lincoln pulls out an AK-47 and takes out the Sindacco thugs in the room as Ken puts out the fire by the doorway. Lincoln enters the next room cautiously as more thugs are visible.

Ken:"Screw this,I'm gonna hide in the freezer!"

Ken runs over to the freezer and hides as Lincoln takes out more thugs one by one.

Ken:"This is so exciting,Tommy,just like old times!"

Lincoln:"Who the fuck is Tommy?!"

Lincoln reloads his gun as he takes out all the thugs inside the factory.

Lincoln:"Okay! It's clear!"

Ken:"Well done,Lincoln!"

Lincoln:"Thanks. So,you mind telling me who this Tommy guy is?"

Ken:"Right. Tommy is this mobster from Liberty City who used to hang with the Forellis. They got him arrested and he served a 15 year sentence. After he left prison,he came to Vice City where we had a drug deal which was messed up thanks to a drug lord named Ricardo Diaz."


Ken:"Anyways,Tommy killed Diaz and took over his mansion. Tommy looked as if he had everything under control,until his friend Lance Dance Vance betrayed him and tried to help the Forellis ambush the mansion."

Lincoln:"I know what it's like to be betrayed. There's this one bitch who turned her back on me and my friends who I'm not gonna mention."

Ken:"I guess you know how it feels to be fucked."

Lincoln:"Yeah. Is there more? I'm still listening."

Ken:"Yeah. Tommy killed Lance and the Forellis and we ruled Vice City together."

Lincoln:"How the fuck did you end up here?"

Ken:"Tommy saw that I had an addiction problem and sent me out here on rehab. He never took any of my calls. But,I guess I deserved it for taking too much coke."

Lincoln:"I'm sorry about that. You two sounded like really good friends."

Ken:"We were. Take me back to Caligula's."

They head outside the factory and get back in the car.

Lincoln:"Alright,calm down and follow my lead. I'll find a way to get you out of this."

Ken:"Just take me to the airport!"

Lincoln:"No,they have to think you're dead."

Lincoln parks the car outside the casino and Ken goes inside as Lincoln sighs in a tired manner.

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