Saint Mark's Bistro

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Lincoln wakes up the next morning and gets a call from Ken.


Ken:"I'm surprised you remember me!"

Lincoln:"Look,I haven't forgotten about you guys. Just wait for me,okay?"

Ken:"Easy for you to say! This Salvatore guy could whack me at any moment!"

Lincoln:"I'll figure something out. I promise."

Lincoln sighs and hangs up,putting his phone away. He looks to his left and sees Ronnie Anne and Sid sleeping peacefully with smiles on their faces.

Lincoln:"A lot of work to do before I can pull off that heist."

Lincoln heads over to Caligula's Casino where he sees Salvatore helping Maria flick a knife.

Salvatore:"Just feel the weight of the weapon,sweetheart."

Maria:"I can feel the weight of someone's weapon!"

Salvatore:"Hey. You're the one to blame on that front."

It shows that Maccer is tied up to a wall,clearly not looking happy being used as target practice.

Maccer:"Can I fucking go now or fucking what?"

Without making eye contact,Salvatore throws the knife to the board and it hits the board right below Maccer's crotch.

Maccer:"Oooh! You fucking twat! Right in the fucking happy sack!"

Paul:"Perhaps you'll be cured of your little anti-social condition,mate."

As Paul goes over to untie Maccer,Lincoln walks in and Salvatore notices.

Salvatore:"Lincoln,my man!"

Lincoln:"Hey,Mr Leone."

Salvatore:"Looks like Mr Rosenberg was right. You did a real number on those Forelli losers. Now it's time the Forellis found out what it means to screw with Salvatore Leone! How would you like to hit the St Mark's Bistro?"

Lincoln:"That sounds great,but I might need some backup."

Salvatore:"Take who you want."

Lincoln:"Well,I usually take these two."

Lincoln points at Paul and Maccer.

Ken:"Hey. Remember all those jobs we did together,huh? Huh? You and me,Lincoln,remember,huh? You know,you used to call me Killer Ken? Ken the Killer? Ice Cold Ken? That's me."

Lincoln:"And him too,I guess."(in mind)"How much longer do I have to wait to do this damn heist? Sid and Ronnie Anne won't stop asking me when the heist is gonna take place!"

Outside,Lincoln is talking to Ken,while Paul and Maccer are in a four door car.

Lincoln:"Okay. You guys better get out of Las Venturas,fast! I'll be in touch."

Maccer:"What about your backup,man? Will you be alright without us?"

Ken:"Of course he will! Come on!"

Ken enters the car and drives away as Lincoln drives over to the airport and order a flight to Liberty City. After arriving,he exits the Francis International Airport and enters a taxi.

Lincoln:"Marco's Bistro,please."

Lincoln pays the driver and he drives him over to said location. When he enters,he runs into one of Forelli's men.

Thug:"Private function,invitation only!"

Lincoln:"Really? Well,Mr Leone says otherwise!"

Opera music plays in the background as Lincoln dives behind a counter to take cover as a shootout begins. Lincoln manages to kill all the henchmen upstairs and starts going downstairs into the kitchen,where more thugs are visible.

Lincoln takes cover behind a wall and carefully takes out more henchmen until he chases Marco Forelli outside,as he is armed with an SMG.

Lincoln:"Time for you to go down in flames!"

Marco:"We'll see about that!"

The two of them engage in a five minute gun battle,until Lincoln kills Marco with a headshot. Later on,he gets on another flight back to Las Venturas and upon exiting,his phone rings.


Salvatore:"Hey Lincoln,my boy!"

Lincoln:"Ah,Mr Leone!"

Salvatore:"Everyone's talking about the job you did on that Saint Mark's Bistro."

Lincoln:"Thank you,Mr Leone."

Salvatore:"And uh,you took care of those three loose ends?"

Lincoln:"Yeah. They ran into a little trouble along the way. You won't be hearing from Mr Rosenberg again."

Salvatore:"Good boy! Good boy! Now,let's keep our distance for a while. I'll call you."

Lincoln:"Thank you,Mr Leone."

Lincoln hangs up and gets a text from Sid.

Sid:(text)"Lincoln,are we gonna do this heist yet or not?"

Lincoln:(text)"We are gonna do the heist."


Lincoln:(text)"Let's all meet back at the Four Dragons Casino."

Sid:(text)"Agreed. See you there,Lincoln."


It cuts to Julie doing her hair and at that moment,her phone rings.



Julie:"Hey,bro! How are you?"

Victor:"Terrible. I'm stuck in a cell between two maniacs,and people keep trying to jump me."


Victor:"So,how's everyone else doing? You looking after Nikki?"

Julie:"Nope. She's looking after me!"

Victor:(laughs)"Okay,that's good."

Julie:"I'm not gonna leave you in there,okay?"

Victor:"I know you won't. Do what you need to do."

Julie:"I will. Bye,bro."


Julie hangs up and sighs sadly as she looks at herself in the mirror with a determined expression on her face.

Julie:"I'll get you out of there,Victor. No matter how long it takes."

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