Mike Toreno

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Lincoln enters the club,and he sees Jizzy talking to T-Bone.

Jizzy:"T-Bone! Pump your brakes,baby. Take a chill pill,and just lay back and let the red mist fall,brother!"

T-Bone:"Hey,holmes,open your eyes,dog. Can't you see we're getting messed with,holmes?"

Jizzy sees Lincoln walk in,and he sits up from the couch.

Jizzy:"Hey,partner! T-Bone,look,it's Lincoln! Now,he's a real hero out there."

Jizzy gives Lincoln a quick handshake.

Jizzy:"See? We still good."

T-Bone:"What,are you vatos stupid? Someone's onto us. We need to go back and rethink."

Lincoln:"I think those guys were just trying their luck."

T-Bone's phone rings,and he picks it up.

T-Bone:"Mike? Mike! I've been trying to contact you. What? Oh man. Where are you? Okay,just keep talking!"

The Mexican man looks at Lincoln and Jizzy.

T-Bone:"Mike's in trouble. Let's bounce."

Lincoln:"What kind of trouble? And who's Mike?"

T-Bone:"Man,they've taken the drug shipment,the van,and Mike's still in the back!"

Jizzy:"Well how the fuck we gon' know where he is?"

T-Bone:"He's got his phone. He's gonna talk to us until his battery runs out. Come on,we gotta bounce!"

Jizzy:"A'ight,let's jet!"

Lincoln and T-Bone enter a blue four door car.

T-Bone:"Gotta make this quick! Mike doesn't got much time on his battery left! He says he can hear seagulls."

Lincoln:"Seagulls? Man,that could be anywhere in this town."

T-Bone:"He says he can also hear heavy machinery."

Lincoln:"What is that,a landfill or something?"

T-Bone:"There's a building site in Doherty!"

Lincoln starts driving towards Doherty.

T-Bone:"Just hang in there,Mike! Help is on the way!"

When they reach Doherty,there was no van in sight.

T-Bone:"He says he can hear a truck reversing. It's busy like a freight depot."

Lincoln:"They must be at the docks!"

T-Bone:"Get to the docks in Easter Basin!"

Lincoln drives down the street and makes a left turn into Easter Basin.

T-Bone:"Hey,we'll be there in a minute,Mike! Shit,he says that they stopped,then he heard gunfire. He says they just shot their way through a security gate!"

Lincoln:"There's heavy security at the airport!"

T-Bone:"To the airport,rapido!"

Lincoln drives to the airport.

T-Bone:"There's the gate!"

Lincoln:"And some dead security guards!"

T-Bone:"Keep your eyes peeled for that van."

Lincoln continues driving.

T-Bone:"Okay,the tags should work now,holmes!"

Lincoln:"The fuck is a tag?"

T-Bone:"We're gonna use it to find Mike."

Lincoln:"What does it do?"

T-Bone:"Simple. The closer we get,the stronger the signal."

Just then,Lincoln gets past a yellow van and some bikes. Then,the gang exit their vehicles.

Lincoln:(in mind)"The Da Nang Boys?! I thought I took them out!"

Lincoln and T-Bone take down the Da Nang Boys,and then they approach the van. The Mexican man opens the back doors,and a certain brunette man in a suit comes out. He was Mike Toreno.

Mike:"About time,T-Bone."

Mike looks at Lincoln,and aims his pistol at his head.

Mike:"Who the fuck is this?"

T-Bone:"Hey,that's one of Jizzy's clowns. Relax,güero."

Mike puts his gun away,and sirens were heard.

Mike:"We gotta torch this van with the coke in it."

T-Bone:"Hey,we ain't torching nada!"

Mike:"This is a set back,but doing 20 to life is a little more than that. Understand,amigo?"

Lincoln:"He's right. Let's torch this thing and get out of here."

T-Bone:"Who the fuck asked you,payaso? This ain't a committee!"

Mike:"Exactly. I call the shots here. Now shut the fuck up and let's get going."

The albino and Mexican man shoot at the van repeatedly,making it explode. Then,all three of them get into a car,and start driving off.

Lincoln drives into a Pay 'n Spray to lose the cops,and he starts driving back to the club.

Mike:"How long have you been working for Jizzy? I haven't seen you before."

Lincoln:"I just got into town last week."

Mike:"Just got into town,uh? Where were you before that?"

Lincoln:"What the fuck is this?"

T-Bone:"Just answer the fucking question."

Lincoln:"I was in Los Santos with my friends."

Mike:"T-Bone,give me his wallet."

Lincoln:"Hey,get off!"

T-Bone:"Concentrate on the fucking road!"

T-Bone takes Lincoln's wallet.

T-Bone:"Here you go,Mike."

Mike takes the wallet,and looks through it.

Mike:"Lincoln Loud,huh? Okay,I've seen enough."

Mike tosses the wallet back to Lincoln.

Lincoln:"There was a dub in there. It better still be there when I check it."

T-Bone:(chuckles)"Shut the fuck up."

Lincoln arrives at the club,and parks the car outside.

Mike:"Okay,Lincoln Loud. You did good today."

T-Bone:"We got real shit to talk about,Mike."

Mike and T-Bone exit the car,and then they go back inside the club. Lincoln drives back to the garage to relax.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ