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Ronnie Anne and Lincoln arrive at the betting shop again. Sid took a seat on the couch,and stares to them.

Sid:"As much as I like sharing my home with both of you,we should be leading these fools out into the hot sun!"

Ronnie Anne:"What happened this time?"

Stanley:"We were followed here. The Da Nang Boys are keeping a firm eye on this betting shop. As soon as we leave,they're gonna try to kill us."

Lincoln:"I've got a plan."

Sid:"Let's hear it."

Lincoln:"How about we use a decoy car to lead those guys into the countryside,and then you can move somewhere else? As long as they think Mr Chang is in the back,they'll follow me anywhere."

Ronnie Anne:"I like the sound of that."

Stanley:"Your success will be rewarded,Lincoln."

Lincoln:"Alright,then. Come on,Ronnie Anne."

Ronnie Anne:"Alright."

The two of them go outside,and see a two door Range Rover.

The two of them go outside,and see a two door Range Rover

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Lincoln:"That must be the decoy. No way those guys would be able to tell the difference."

Ronnie Anne:"We should go. I think Sid can handle the rest with her Dad."

Lincoln:"Yeah. Let's go."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne get in the car,and then they drive through the freeway at Foster Valley. Then,they made it to the end of Whetstone road.

Lincoln:"We're almost there."

Lincoln stops the car in the forest of Angel Pine,and he and Ronnie Anne wait for the Da Nang Boys to come by.

15 minutes later,the Da Nang Boys arrive on bikes.

Ronnie Anne:"Here they come! Punch it!"

Lincoln starts driving and then he plays a certain song.

Ronnie Anne:"Good choice,man."


The Da Nang Boys start shooting at the car,and Lincoln drives carefully across the mountain.

Ronnie Anne:"Man,they really want Sid's Dad dead."

Lincoln:"Yeah that may be true,but we'll be fine."

Ronnie Anne:"If you say so..."

Lincoln drifts right onto a road,and drives through a tunnel. When he sees a nearby gas station,he parks the car there.

Ronnie Anne picks up her phone,and Sid was calling her.

Ronnie Anne:"Hey,Sid."

Sid:"Hey,Ronnie Anne. Are you and Lincoln okay?"

Ronnie Anne:"Yeah. They were chasing us like crazy. How's your Dad?"

Sid:"He's fine. I managed to get him to safety. Thanks a lot,you guys."

Ronnie Anne:"No problem. Catch you later."


Ronnie Anne hangs up,and one of the Da Nang Boys pull up next to the Range Rover. When he looks inside the window,he sees that Stanley wasn't there.

Da Nang Boy:"It's decoy! Back to Chinatown!"

The Da Nang Boys ride off,and Lincoln drives back to San Fierro.

Ronnie Anne:"I'm starting to like working for Sid. How about you,Lincoln?"

Lincoln:"Yeah,I like working for her,too."

Ronnie Anne:"Let's go and see her."

They arrive back at the betting shop,and later on,Sid and Lincoln were playing Mortal Kombat 11. Lincoln was Scorpion and Sid was Sonya Blade.

Sid:"I need something taken care of."

Lincoln:"Like what?"

Sid:"How are you in the water?"

Lincoln:"You mean,can I swim?"

Sid:"Uh-huh. Can you swim well?"

Lincoln:"Nope,not really!"

Sid defeats Lincoln,and he throws his controller to the ground.

Lincoln:"Fuck! How the hell did you do that?!"

Sid just laughs with a smile.

Sid:"Alright. Sit down,big guy. We need to talk. Oh,and you too,Ronnie Anne."

Ronnie Anne and Sid sit down,and begin to listen to Sid's story.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionWhere stories live. Discover now