Blitz Play

41 1 14

Julie arrives at the garage and meets her friends.


Julie:"Hey,Ana. Where's the other girls?"

Ana:"They're in the office. Come on."

Ana and Julie go into the office and see Winter,Sam and Sarah sitting by the table with a whiteboard by the corner.

Winter:"Ah. You're here."

Julie:"So,what are we robbing?"

Ana:"We finna rob a truck full of cash,girl."

Sam:"But I think that the truck might be protected."

Sarah:"So,we need a plan."

Julie starts drawing on the whiteboard.

Julie:"So,based on this whiteboard,the truck's gonna be in an industrial area,right? So,I'm thinking we grab a trash truck to block them. Any other truck to smash 'em."

Ana:"A'ight,this sounds pretty good,but how we gon' keep ourselves inconspicuous and shit?"

Julie:"Some boiler suits and masks maybe?"

Winter:"That could work. There's probably a trash truck near the car dealership that Lincoln bought."

Sam:"I'll get us the boiler suits."

Sarah:"And I'll get some masks."

Ana:"I'mma go get heated up."

Winter:"What does that mean?"

Julie:"She means she's gonna restock her ammo,Winter. And I'll try to get a getaway car."


Ana:"Let's dip."

Winter sees the trash truck outside the car dealership near the garage and knocks the driver out cold with a chop to the neck.

Winter:"Okay. Better store this somewhere."

Winter gets into the trash truck and stores it behind the garage. She gets out of the truck and calls the other girls.

Winter:"I got the trash truck. It's behind the garage."

Julie:"Good work,Winter."

Ana:"I got the heat. I'm comin' back."

Sam:"I'm on my way to getting the boiler suits."

Sarah:"And I'm coming back with the masks now."


In another part of San Fierro,Julie stores the getaway car which was a white Dodge Caliber.

In another part of San Fierro,Julie stores the getaway car which was a white Dodge Caliber

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Julie:"This should be a good getaway car. Time to call the girls."

Julie calls the other girls.

Julie:"I got the getaway car."

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