Dark Imports

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After Lincoln arrives at the donut shop,he instantly sees Pulaski exit the door.


Lincoln turns around and tries to leave,but Pulaski grabs his shoulder,keeping him in place. Soon,Tenpenny and Hernandez exit the front entrance as well.

Tenpenny:"Where you running off to,Lincoln? I thought we were friends."


Tenpenny:"As officer in charge of putting an end to gang violence,I find myself in a difficult position."


Tenpenny:(faking)"Lincoln. I'm hurt. And just as I was about to help those poor friends of yours."

Lincoln:"Oh yeah? How?"

Tenpenny:"I like the status quo,Lincoln. I enjoy having you dumb fools do my job for me - blowing each other's brains all over the sidewalk."

Lincoln:"Dumb fools?!"

Pulaski and Hernandez walk to their police car.

Tenpenny:"Now,if it's brought to my attention that one tribe gets an unfair advantage over another,that really troubles me,Lincoln."

Lincoln:"What are you saying?"

Tenpenny:"I'm saying that the Ballas have brains. They're tooling up for more than just half-assed drive-bys. Cutting deals,making friends,you know?"

Lincoln:"Just say what you mean,man."

Tenpenny:"Just go to the busy freight warehouse down the docklands,and you'll see what I'm talking about."

Tenpenny gets into the passenger's seat.

Pulaski:"Y'all take care,now."


The police car drives off,and Lincoln's stomach growls again.

Lincoln:"I should probably eat,first."

Lincoln goes inside the donut shop,and orders two creamy donuts with coffee. While eating,he thinks about how the gang should finally reunite after six years staying in Royal Woods.

Lincoln:(in mind)"I should talk to Victor about it. He's the leader of the gang,after all."

Lincoln finishes eating,and he dials in Victor's number.


Lincoln:"Hey. I'm about to storm a warehouse by the docklands. I think I need some backup."

Victor:"I'm standing right here."

Lincoln looks to the left,and sees Victor,Nikki,and Clyde standing there.

Lincoln:"Oh. Uh,hey,guys. What's up?"

Clyde:"We heard your little conversation."

Nikki:"With those C.R.A.S.H punks."

Victor:"And,we're gonna help you. Even if it is bullshit."

Lincoln:"Thanks,you guys. It means a lot to me."

They get into the car,and drive to the warehouse. It had a few Russians around the area,armed with SMG's.

Lincoln:"This shit looks real serious."

Clyde:"Yeah,but we can handle it."


The four of them pull out their guns,and start shooting at the Russians. After they take out the Russians,they shoot the padlock which opens the garage door.

Clyde:"Looks like it's through here."


Victor:"Watch your backs. They could be anywhere."

Victor peeks around a corner,and shoots a Balla in the head. Then,he takes out three more Ballas,using the same method.

Victor:"Looks like the meeting's up those stairs."

They go up the stairs,and see the Russians arms dealer.

Dealer:"Stop! We could do business together!"

Victor:"Yeah. Business for your fucking funeral!"

Before Victor could kill the dealer,he turns towards the back door,and starts running.

Dealer:"Fuck you,Americansky! I'm gone!"

Clyde:"Come on,after him!"

The four start chasing the dealer,and before he could get into his car to escape,Lincoln shoots him clean through the head. The dealer dies instantly.

Nikki:"Well,looks like we did it."

Victor:"Yeah. Let's go back."

They go back to Victor's mansion,and then they set up a plan.

Victor:"Alright,so,we're getting the gang back together."

Julie:"About time."

Ana:"What do we do,now?"

Victor:"We're gonna take the fight to the Ballas. By taking out their OG,Kane."

Sam:"Anyhing else we should know?"

Victor:"He's gonna be at a funeral tomorrow. That's when we strike."

Ana:"Hold up,how do we know that this ain't a trick?"

Victor:"That's because Winter told me all about it."

Winter:"It's true."

Sarah:"Yeah. It's about time Los Santos knows that we're back. Back with a vengeance."

Victor:"Alright. We move on this,tomorrow."


At Lori's apartment,Tenpenny and Pulaski knock on the door,and they were with someone with a hood over their face.

Lori:"Who the fuck is it?"

Tenpenny:"This is Officer Tenpenny and Pulaski."

Lori:"Oh! Coming!"

Lori opens the door,and meets the three of them.

Lori:"Who's the new guy? Haven't seen him before."

Tenpenny:"This is our new assistant. He's gonna be in charge of the drug empire we're building from the ground up."

Lori:"Show your face."

The person pulls his hood up,and it was Chandler McCann. Lincoln's rival.

Chandler:"Larry Lame's sister is also joining us for the ride? Really?"

Pulaski:"Yeah. You got a problem with that?"

Chandler:"Nope. Not at all."

Lori:"I literally don't agree with him being in charge of the drug empire. But,I guess I'll accept it,for now."

Lori and Chandler shake hands.

Tenpenny:"Good. This city will be ours,and Victor and Lincoln will be begging at our feet,trying to tell us to stop."

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