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A few days later,Julie is talking to someone on a payphone in the streets of Los Santos.

Julie:"Look,I don't care how,I care when. As in,now,you hear me?"

Just then,a certain someone grabs the phone from Julie's hand and hangs it up.


Julie looks to her right and sees Mike with a neutral expression on his face.

Mike:"Hi there,Julie."

Julie:"Fuck you,Mike. I almost died a few days ago."

Mike:"I've got just one tiny thing left for you to do,and then I'm out of your life forever."

Julie:"You know what? I'm sick and tired of your fucking little jobs and whatnot!"

Julie pulls out her pistol and aims it at Mike's skull,clearly tired of his recent actions.

Mike:"Come on,now. Put that away,you're embarrassing yourself."

Mike makes Julie lower her gun as the payphone starts ringing.

Mike:"Go on. Answer it."

Julie sighs and answers the phone.


Victor:"Hey,baby girl."

Julie:"Bro! You're still breathing!"

Victor:"Yeah. I have no idea,these guys just released me."

Julie:"Where are you?"

Victor:"I'm outside the police station in Commerce."

Julie:"Okay,bro. On my way."

Victor:"Alright,baby girl. I'll be waiting."

Julie hangs up and looks at Mike.

Julie:"So,what's that thing you wanted me to do?"

Mike:"All I want you to do is pick up your brother."

Julie:"Alright. Thanks for everything,I guess."

Julie gets on her bike and drives over to the police station. 5 minutes later,Victor walks out with a briefcase in hand and he now has a scar over his right eyebrow.



Victor places his briefcase down and shares a hug with Julie.

Julie:"Hey,how'd you get that scar on your eyebrow?"

Victor:"I got into some fights here and there. That's how."

Julie:"Well,let's go."

Victor:"Alright. How have things been going since I was in prison?"

Julie:"Things have been... good. In some way. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have this new casino with Sid,we have a nice garage in San Fierro,and everything's going well!"

Victor:"How's Nikki doing?"

Julie:"She's pretty fine. We also did a heist together."

Victor:"Wow,Nikki did a heist without me? That's new."

Julie:"Let's go over to our old place."

Victor:"Yeah. Sure. Sounds good."

Victor and Julie get on the bike and drive to their old house,only to find a drug addict holding a blender.

Drug addict:"Hey,you wanna buy this blender? I-It's really good. It-It sorta works!"

Victor:"What the hell?! That's Mom's blender!"

The drug addict runs off with the blender with Victor and Julie staring in shock.

Julie:"I think some drug assholes took over Mom's house. Let's go home."

Victor:"This is home,Julie. Let's get these guys out of Mom's house. You were born in there! Damn it!"

Julie:"Okay. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Victor:"That's okay."

Victor and Julie pull out their AK-47's and take cover by the door.


Julie:"Yeah. Let's do this thing."

Victor pushes the door open and he starts firing at a few drug addicts enjoying their product and whatnot. A few of them run towards him armed with baseball bats and Julie kicks one of them in the face and then she turns to the left to shoot another one in the head with her pistol,since switching to a pistol is faster than reloading a bigger gun.

The two of them clear out the house and step outside again.

Victor:"Well,that was easy."

Julie:"Yeah. Let's go back to your place now."

Victor:"Good idea."

Victor and Julie get on the bike and drive back to the former's mansion.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionWhere stories live. Discover now