Burning Heart

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Lincoln parks his car by the entrance of the donut shop,and he goes inside and sees the three corrupt officers.

Tenpenny:"Hey,Lincoln Loud!"

Lincoln:(under his breath)"Oh,shit..."

Tenpenny:"Come on over here,son!"

Lincoln walks through the donut shop and sees Tenpenny and Pulaski sitting adjacent,while Hernandez was sitting across from them.

Tenpenny:(to Hernandez)"Move over. Let him sit down,asshole!"

Hernandez moves across the seat to give Lincoln some room. The albino man sits down,and faces the two officers across from them.

Tenpenny:"So you finally found time to drop by."

Lincoln:"I've been busy. I've been getting to know my family better."

Pulaski:"Sounds like a fucking excuse to me."

Tenpenny:"Officer Pulaski thinks you're trying to screw with us,Lincoln."

The black officer's(Tenpenny)facial expression then turns to a serious one,as well as his tone of voice.

Tenpenny:"Now you get this straight. We own you. You're ours. We can shit on you from such a height,you'll think God himself has crapped on you. You understand?"

Pulaski:"He better fucking understand."

Tenpenny:"Yeah,he better had. Time to go to work,Lincoln,and earn your freedom. There's a guy holed up across town. You got that address,Pulaski?"

(A.N:"Tenpenny's voice actor is Samuel L. Jackson.")

Pulaski takes a slip from his pocket,and gives it to Tenpenny.

Tenpenny:"Another gangbanging,drug taking,cop killing bitch,just like you. We don't like him,and he don't like us."

Tenpenny gives the slip to Lincoln.

Tenpenny:"Now,you make sure that he doesn't leave the neighborhood - not even in a box. Now get the fuck out of here!"

Lincoln rolls his eyes,stands up,and leaves the donut shop. He sees a pump action shotgun next to him,and picks it up.

Lincoln:(to reader)"I know that I flew into a wall the last time I used a shotgun,but I don't want to hear it,okay? I already have enough shit to worry about."

Lincoln looks at the slip,and it was a message from Tenpenny.

Tenpenny:(note)"Go downtown,first. You're gonna need some molotovs to burn the bastard's house down."

Lincoln:"So you couldn't tell me that beforehand?! Man,I really need a vacation after this."

Lincoln drives to downtown,and finds 10 molotovs in an alleyway. He jumps back in the car,and drives over to the address that was written on the slip. He also sees some Vagos patrolling the area around the house.

Lincoln:"Yeah,there's no way I can take on all those guys by myself. I need some backup."

Lincoln pulls out his phone,and calls up Victor and Clyde. They arrive 10 minutes later,and then they hide in a bush near the house.

Victor:"So,what's going on?"

Lincoln:"Tenpenny's making me do his dirty work."

Clyde:"Those C.R.A.S.H fuckers again?!"

Lincoln and Victor:"Shh!"


A Vagos gangster walks past the bush,and Victor grabs him by the throat,and cuts his throat open with his knife.

Victor:"We should do this quietly. Any of you got a silencer?"

Clyde:"I got one."

Clyde gives Victor a silencer,and he puts it on his pistol.

Victor:"Watch how I do this."

Victor sticks his head out from the bush,and shoots a Vago in the head,killing him. Then,he quietly kills a few more Vagos.

Victor:"Alright. It's clear."

Clyde:"Good luck,buddy."

Victor and Clyde drive off,and then Lincoln throws four molotovs through different windows,and the house started burning. A Vago gangster from inside kicks the door down,and he burns to death.

Then,a certain Latina woman starts screaming.

Ronnie Anne:"Help! Someone help! There's a fucking fire!"

Lincoln:(in mind)"Is that Ronnie Anne?! Damn it,now I gotta save her!"

Lincoln finds a fire extinguisher,and goes upstairs,where there was a fire between him and Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne:"Put it out,hurry!"

Lincoln:"Quit panicking! I'm on it! I'm on it!"

Lincoln sprays the fire,and puts it out.

Ronnie Anne:"Lincoln! It's good to see you again!"

Lincoln:"Yeah. It's nice to see you,too. We should get out of here."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne leave the burning house.

Lincoln:"Listen,Ronnie Anne,I-"

Ronnie Anne kisses him on the lips,and hugs his body,silencing him.

Ronnie Anne:"Let's just get out of here. Take me back to my place."

Lincoln:"Sure thing,babe."

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne get into the car,and then the albino haired man starts driving.

Lincoln:"So,where do you live?"

Ronnie Anne:"Vinewood Hills."

Lincoln:"Damn! I live there,too!"

Ronnie Anne:"Wanna move in with me?"

Lincoln:"I'll think about it."

Ronnie Anne:"So,how have things been,lately?"

Lincoln:"Oh,I ran into Tenpenny,Pulaski,and Hernandez,my first day back here."

Ronnie Anne:"Tenpenny and Pulaski?! The chota pigs?! Aw,man...!"

Lincoln:"I know,I know. I hate them too,but the situation is gonna get handled when it's time."

Ronnie Anne:"If you say so,Linky."

Lincoln pulls up in front of a purple house.

Lincoln:"This the place?"

Ronnie Anne:"Yeah. Thanks,Linky."

Ronnie Anne kisses Lincoln on the cheek.

Lincoln:"So,have you ever thought about joining the gang?"

Ronnie Anne:"We getting the gang back together?"

Lincoln:"Hell yeah."

Ronnie Anne:"Of course I'm down."

Ronnie Anne goes inside her house,and Lincoln feels a note in his pocket. It was Ronnie Anne's number.

Lincoln:(in mind)"Okay,so doing something for Tenpenny did something good,after all. Well,this time at least."

Lincoln's stomach starts rumbling,meaning that he's hungry.

Lincoln:"Well,guess it's back to the donut shop for lunch,then."

Lincoln starts up his car again,and drives back to the donut shop.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora