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Julie arrives at the garage,and sees Casey working on a car.

Casey:"Hey,Julie. What's up?"


Casey:"Some cops are looking for you in the office."

Julie looks at the office,and sees Tenpenny and Pulaski inside.

Julie:(in mind)"Those motherfuckers again."(to Casey)"Okay,thanks for letting me know,man."

Casey:"No problem."

Julie goes into the office,and sees Tenpenny sitting on a chair,and Pulaski reading a newspaper.

Julie:"Nice to see you guys kicking back."

Pulaski:"I wonder how your brother's sleeping. Curled up next to his shower Daddy while you live comfortably on the outside?"

Julie really wanted to kick Pulaski in the balls for saying that,but she knew what would happen if she did. So,she calms down.

Julie:"What do you two want this time?"

Tenpenny:"Well,what we want is to get on with our jobs in peace. Without some damn bleeding heart liberal poking his nose into affairs he won't even understand."

Julie:"Oh. Is the press fucking you guys hard? How big are they? 30 inches?"

Pulaski:"The hell would you know about it?!"

Tenpenny:"Easy there,Eddie. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Some young journalist is trying to make a name for himself."

Pulaski:"He doesn't know how the streets work,that he's supposed to report what he's supposed to report!"

Tenpenny:"Anyway,we need you to shut him up for us."

Pulaski:"And that stoolie - shut him up,too!"

Tenpenny:"Yeah,there's also some reporter who's digging up dirt on Pulaski. We don't know who's talking,but we know the reporter's meeting him today."

Pulaski:"Deal with him."

Pulaski pushes the paper into Julie's chest(not literally),and he and Tenpenny leave the office.

Tenpenny:"Oh this is a nice place... Julie."

The corrupt cops leave the garage,and Lincoln and Ana each put a hand on Julie's shoulders.


Lincoln:"We heard your conversation with C.R.A.S.H,and we're thinking of helping you."

Julie:"Yeah. That would be great."

Ana pulls out an advanced looking sniper rifle.

Ana pulls out an advanced looking sniper rifle

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Julie:"Damn. Where'd you get that?"

Ana:"Just found it in the little construction site outside the garage."


Lincoln,Ana and Julie enter a four door car,and then they drive on the train tracks,following the train that the target was on.

Lincoln:"Looks like the train is heading back to LS!"


Julie:"I think we follow the target to the other guy."


The train stops in Los Santos,and the reporter starts walking up the stairs,to get into a taxi. Ana,Julie and Lincoln each steal a bike and follow the taxi,while keeping their distance.

The taxi arrives at the pier in Santa Maria,and Julie takes the sniper rifle that Ana had earlier. She aims,and shoots the reporter in the head. Then,she shoots the journalist in the head.

Julie:"There. Now,let's go back to San Fierro."

Lincoln then gets a text from Sid.

Sid:(text)"Lincoln,it's about time we deal with the Loco Syndicate. You're gonna need to get Jizzy's phone. He called his buddies to a meeting at his club. Get there as soon as you can."


Sid:(text)"No problem."

Lincoln:"Yeah,we should definitely go back to San Fierro."

Julie:"Need help dealing with Jizzy?"

Lincoln:"No,it's alright. I can handle this one."

Ana:"A'ight cool,man."

They get back on their bikes,and go back to San Fierro.

Grand Theft Blaze:The Loud EditionWhere stories live. Discover now