Bank Issues

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Lincoln goes over to Carlota's hideout again,and suddenly the Latina woman opens the door with an angered look on her face.


Lincoln:"What did I do,now?!"

Carlota:"You men are all the same! Fuck this,fuck that. Well,fuck you,pendejo!"

Lincoln:"Look,I'm sorry."

Carlota:"From now on,we're business partners,alright?"

Lincoln:"That's fine by me."

Carlota:"I'm warning you. I'm in a bad fucking mood. Today,I'm gonna kill anyone who fucks with me. Especially you! Move!"

Carlota and Lincoln get into the car.

Carlota:"Today,I feel good. Like a woman reborn."

Lincoln:"That's real great. Maybe you won't go crazy,huh?"

Carlota:"Oh,I'm only gonna go crazy when I'm really pissed."


Carlota:"Maybe no cowboy pendejos will get in our way,this time."



Lincoln starts driving towards the bank in Palimino Creek.

Lincoln:"What's wrong?"

Carlota:"Nothing. I just hate men."

Lincoln:"Well give me a break!"

Carlota:"You want a break? Here's your break:your break is that you're not on my barbecue being eaten!"

Lincoln:(in mind)"Is she a fucking cannibal?!"(to Carlota)"That's one way to looking at some shit,I guess."

Carlota:"Lincoln,you have to be fast this time around. No more fucking around like you did in the betting shop."

Lincoln:"What?! If you hadn't started shooting,then things would've been nice and smooth!"

Carlota:"They had to die,because you were being slow and stupid. Like a big,fat brat that eats chocolate while his father gives nothing to his stepdaughter but stale bread."

Lincoln:"What? Where did that come from?"

Carlota:"Shut up and keep your eyes on the road."

Lincoln rolls his eyes,and stops the car outside the bank. Then,Carlota hands him a shotgun.

Carlota:"You're on crowd control,so don't take any shit."


Lincoln points the shotgun at a security guard.

Lincoln:"Don't even think about it,pal!"

Carlota:"Hand over every last dollar!"

Carlota goes over to the safe,amd Lincoln aims at four staff members. But before he knew it,a staff member presses a panic button,and the alarm goes off.


Carlota:"Shit! I gave you one simple job! Idiota!"

Two policemen were at a bakery shop,eating donuts.

Cop:(radio)"Attention all units! Some psychos are robbing the bank in Palimino Creek!"

Cop 1:"Shit! I just bought another donut! Don't criminals have any consideration?"

Cop 2:"We can collect that bribe later. Might as well go take a look."

Lincoln and Carlota take as much money as they could carry.

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