Trip to San Fierro

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Ana arrives at The Truth's farm,and she grabs the suitcase full of money from the lieutenants that she was taking down. Then,she heads over to the shed where she sees The Truth doing a handstand while meditating.

Ana:(in mind)"Is this man really doing a fucking handstand?"

Truth:"Peace. I've got everything you need,lone traveler. It's in the Mothership,back there."

He points to a multicolored Volkswagen van behind him.

Ana:"Thanks,dude. Here go your paper."

Ana places the briefcase down,and enters the van. She then jumps back out.

Ana:"Damn,dude! There's like,two tons of that shit back there."

Suddenly,a familiar sound was heard. The Truth hops back on his feet.

Truth:"The fuck's that noise?"

Ana:"Sounds like a chopper."

Truth:"Oh,narcs! You fucking rat!"

Ana:"Hey,don't you put this shit on me! You're the one that has to put up with Tenpenny!"

Truth says nothing,and grabs two flamethrowers from under the van. He throws one to Ana's arms,and she catches it.

Ana:"Now what's all this?"

Truth:"We gotta torch those fields. I only hope Gaia can forgive us!"

They run outside,and Ana aims the flamethrower at the weed,and she starts burning it. The police chopper started getting closer. Soon,Ana started feeling wobbly.

Ana:"I... I don't feel so good..."

Truth:"It's a cryin' shame,isn't it?"

Ana:"No,I mean I think I'm gonna pass out...!"

Truth:"Fight the ocean,and you will drown!"

Ana:(in mind)"Oh,I'm drowning alright!"

Truth:"We'll take the Mothership and get our shit out of here!"

Ana:"I'll keep burning this shit! You go get it fired up!"

Ana continues burning the weed,but now her vision was becoming very blurry.

Ana:(in mind)"Now I know why Julie kept telling me to stop smoking!"

Ana runs over to the last patch of weed,and manages to burn it. Then,she runs over to Truth,and hands him back the flamethrower.

Ana:"That chopper's on our tail! There's no way we're gonna shake them off of us!"

Truth:"Hold on. I have something that I was saving for a rainy day."

He takes out a rocket launcher,and gives it to Ana.

Ana:"Holy shit! Where'd you get this?!"

Truth:"Found it in a bail of Thai Sticks!"

Ana takes out the weapon,and heads over to the hovering chopper.

Ana:"Take this!"

Ana shoots the rocket,and it directly hits the chopper,sending it straight to the ground. She heads over to the van,and sees Truth sitting in the passenger's seat.

Ana:"Why'd you stop?"

Ana gets into the driver's seat and closes the door. Then,she starts driving uphill.

Truth:"You better drive. I haven't driven in 15 years!"

Ana:"You was doin' alright!"

Ana starts driving on the road.

Truth:"Yeah,and then the fear hit me! Now I'm rolling the number to calm the waves!"

Ana:"Damn! I better call up my dude Lincoln!"

Ana dials in Lincoln's number,and calls him.

Ana:"Lincoln! I'm on my way to San Fierro!"

Lincoln:"I know a place we meet up."


Lincoln:"The garage that I won at the races. We'll be there."

Ana:"Alright,good. Later."


Ana hangs up,and she continues driving towards San Fierro.

Ana:"Hey,this thing go any faster?!"

Truth:"We've got three tons of Marijuana on board,and the engine block is held together with a macrame hammock,and it's running on 15 year old cooking oil!"

Ana:"Goddamn! Can you shoot?!"

Truth:"Shoot? I'm a hippy! The only thing I've shot was acid! I heard about this dude who snorted it once."

Ana:"So what's with the aluminum foil,man?"

Truth:"Protection from mind control."

Ana:"Mind control?"

Truth:"Yes. Do you know how many government satellites are watching any citizen at any moment?"


Truth:"23. Do you know how many religious relics are kept at the Pentagon?"

Ana:"No. Not at all."


Ana reaches San Fierro,which had flashing lights igniting the dark night sky. The street was full of cars and traffic lights.

Ana:"Damn. This place is pretty beautiful."

Truth:"There's no better place to escape the man."

Ana:"Alright,Mr San Fierro,where's the spot at?"

Truth:"It's in Doherty on the East side of Fierro,between Garcia and Easter Basin."

Ana:"We're so fucking screwed. When did you get this ride?"


Ana:(in mind)"Damn,this thing is old!"

Ana reaches the garage,and parks the van right outside. Then,a few other vehicles park right next to the van. Ana jumps out along with Truth,and then they meet everyone else.

Lincoln:"Okay,time to see what's in this new garage."

Truth pulls the garage open without even breaking a sweat.

Clyde:"He's pretty strong for an old dude."

The gang heads inside the garage.

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